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Created January 25, 2015 22:34
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Component
virtual void traverse() = 0;
class Primitive: public Component
int value;
Primitive(int val)
value = val;
void traverse()
cout << value << " ";
class Composite: public Component
vector < Component * > children;
int value;
Composite(int val)
value = val;
void add(Component *c)
void traverse()
cout << value << " ";
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
class Row: public Composite
// Two different kinds of "con-
Row(int val): Composite(val){}
// tainer" classes. Most of the
void traverse()
// "meat" is in the Composite
cout << "Row"; // base class.
class Column: public Composite
Column(int val): Composite(val){}
void traverse()
cout << "Col";
int main()
Row first(1); // Row1
Column second(2); // |
Column third(3); // +-- Col2
Row fourth(4); // | |
Row fifth(5); // | +-- 7
first.add(&second); // +-- Col3
first.add(&third); // | |
third.add(&fourth); // | +-- Row4
third.add(&fifth); // | | |
first.add(&Primitive(6)); // | | +-- 9
second.add(&Primitive(7)); // | +-- Row5
third.add(&Primitive(8)); // | | |
fourth.add(&Primitive(9)); // | | +-- 10
fifth.add(&Primitive(10)); // | +-- 8
first.traverse(); // +-- 6
cout << '\n';
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