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Last active April 12, 2024 16:03
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Fix Chrome + Safari bug where the element under where the user started dragging (on the viewport) is entered into by the browser
import { bindAll } from 'bind-event-listener';
import type { DragLocation } from '../internal-types';
type CleanupFn = () => void;
/** Set a `style` property on a `HTMLElement`
* @returns a `cleanup` function to restore the `style` property to it's original state
function setStyle(
el: HTMLElement,
priority = '',
}: { property: string; rule: string; priority?: 'important' | '' },
): CleanupFn {
const originalValue =;
const originalPriority =;, rule, priority);
return function cleanup() {, originalValue, originalPriority);
* Allow the user to continue to interact with the element their pointer is over at the end of the drag.
* This is important to allow the user to be able to click, drag (etc) after they have finished a drag
* @returns a `cleanup` function to restore all elements under the users pointer to their original state
function allowPointerEventsOnElementUnderPointer({
}: {
current: DragLocation;
}): CleanupFn | null {
const underUsersPointer = document.elementFromPoint(
if (!(underUsersPointer instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return null;
// Debug note: change from 'pointer-events: none' to 'background: green'
// to get a better sense of what is being achieved
return setStyle(underUsersPointer, {
property: 'pointer-events',
rule: 'auto',
priority: 'important',
function blockPointerEventsOnEverything(): CleanupFn {
const element = document.createElement('style');
// Adding a data attribute so to make it super clear to consumers
// (and to our tests) what this temporary style tag is for
element.setAttribute('pdnd-post-drag-fix', 'true');
// Debug note: change from 'pointer-events: none' to 'background: red'
// to get a better sense of what is being achieved
element.sheet?.insertRule('* { pointer-events: none !important; }');
return function cleanup() {
/** 🔥🤮 Fix (Chrome, Safari and Firefox) bug where the element under where the user started dragging
* (on the viewport) is entered into by the browser after a drag finishes ("drop" or "dragend")
* @description
* Block pointer events on all elements except for the specific element that pointer is currently over
* - [Visual explanation of bug](
* - [Chrome bug](
export function fixPostDragPointerBug({ current }: { current: DragLocation }) {
// Queuing a microtask to give any opportunity for frameworks to update their UI in a microtask
// Note: react@18 does standard state updates in a microtask
// We do this so our `atDestination` gets the _actual_ element that is under the users pointer
// at the end of the drag.
queueMicrotask(() => {
const undoUnderPointer = allowPointerEventsOnElementUnderPointer({
// This will also block pointer-events on the children of the element under the users pointer.
// This is what we want. If the user drops on a container element we don't want the children
// of the container to be incorrectly entered into
const undoGlobalBlock = blockPointerEventsOnEverything();
function cleanup() {
const unbindEvents = bindAll(
{ type: 'pointerdown', listener: cleanup },
{ type: 'pointermove', listener: cleanup },
{ type: 'focusin', listener: cleanup },
{ type: 'focusout', listener: cleanup },
// a 'pointerdown' should happen before 'dragstart', but just being super safe
{ type: 'dragstart', listener: cleanup },
// Using `capture` is more likely to not be impacted by consumers stopping events
capture: true,
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