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Last active June 2, 2020 08:51
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LLVM 10 bug (x86-Debug Windows)

This reproduces a bug I found in LLVM 10 while trying to build Halide on Windows.

Note that Visual Studio 16.6.x (the latest) exposes a bug in LLVM that has now been patched, but prevents it from compiling. The instructions below use Visual Studio 15.9.23 (2017) instead.

Without vcpkg

Get and compile LLVM:

D:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64_x86
D:\>git clone --depth 1 -b release/10.x
D:\>mkdir llvm-x86
D:\llvm-x86>cmake -G Ninja ^
                  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ^
                  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../llvm-x86-install ^
                  -DLLVM_ENABLE_TERMINFO=OFF ^
                  -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 ^
                  -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON ^
                  -DLLVM_ENABLE_EH=ON ^
                  -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON ^
                  -DLLVM_BUILD_32_BITS=ON ^
D:\llvm-x86>cmake --build . --target install
D:\llvm-x86>cd ..
D:\>cd this-gist
D:\this-gist>mkdir build
D:\this-gist\build>cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:/llvm-x86-install ..

With vcpkg

Compile with:

> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ..

Compiler info:

Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.26.28806 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

CMake info:

cmake version 3.17.2

vcpkg list (only x86-windows is relevant):

glew:x64-windows                                   2.1.0-7          The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is ...
glew:x86-windows                                   2.1.0-7          The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is ...
libjpeg-turbo:x64-windows                          2.0.4            libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows                          2.0.4            libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
libpng:x64-windows                                 1.6.37-7         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
libpng:x86-windows                                 1.6.37-7         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
llvm:x64-windows                                   10.0.0           The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
llvm:x86-windows                                   10.0.0           The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
llvm[clang-tools-extra]:x64-windows                                 Build Clang tools.
llvm[clang-tools-extra]:x86-windows                                 Build Clang tools.
llvm[clang]:x64-windows                                             Build C Language Family Front-end.
llvm[clang]:x86-windows                                             Build C Language Family Front-end.
llvm[disable-abi-breaking-checks]:x64-windows                       Build LLVM with LLVM_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS=FORCE_OFF.
llvm[disable-abi-breaking-checks]:x86-windows                       Build LLVM with LLVM_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS=FORCE_OFF.
llvm[disable-assertions]:x64-windows                                Build LLVM without assertions.
llvm[disable-assertions]:x86-windows                                Build LLVM without assertions.
llvm[disable-clang-static-analyzer]:x64-windows                     Build without static analyzer.
llvm[disable-clang-static-analyzer]:x86-windows                     Build without static analyzer.
llvm[enable-rtti]:x64-windows                                       Build LLVM with run-time type information.
llvm[enable-rtti]:x86-windows                                       Build LLVM with run-time type information.
llvm[lld]:x64-windows                                               Build LLVM linker.
llvm[lld]:x86-windows                                               Build LLVM linker.
llvm[target-all]:x64-windows                                        Build with all backends.
llvm[target-all]:x86-windows                                        Build with all backends.
llvm[tools]:x64-windows                                             Build LLVM tools.
llvm[tools]:x86-windows                                             Build LLVM tools.
openblas:x64-windows                               0.3.9-1          OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on G...
opencl:x64-windows                                 2.2-2            C/C++ headers and ICD loader (Installable Client...
opengl:x64-windows                                 0.0-5            Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cro...
opengl:x86-windows                                 0.0-5            Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cro...
zlib:x64-windows                                   1.2.11-6         A compression library
zlib:x86-windows                                   1.2.11-6         A compression library
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(LLVM REQUIRED)
add_executable(demo main.cpp)
llvm_map_components_to_libnames(LLVM_LIBNAMES X86)
target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE ${LLVM_LIBNAMES})
target_include_directories(demo PRIVATE SYSTEM ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
#include <llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h>
#include <llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/LegalizerInfo.h>
using namespace llvm;
int main() {
const LLT s1 = LLT::scalar(1);
const LLT p0 = LLT::pointer(0, 32);
LegalizerInfo LI;
auto builder = LI.getActionDefinitionsBuilder(TargetOpcode::G_PTRTOINT);
// Crash!
builder.legalForCartesianProduct({s1}, {p0});
return 0;
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