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Created September 24, 2010 11:40
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- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
UIImageView *thumbImageView = (UIImageView *)context;
if ([keyPath isEqualToString:kARPageScrubberViewKeypathFrame]) {
self.bubbleView.pageNumber = self.pageIndex + 1;
CGRect bubbleViewFrame = self.bubbleView.frame;
bubbleViewFrame.origin.x = thumbImageView.frame.origin.x - round(bubbleViewFrame.size.width / 2) + _slider.frame.origin.x + round(thumbImageView.frame.size.width / 2);
bubbleViewFrame.origin.y = thumbImageView.frame.origin.y - bubbleViewFrame.size.height;
self.bubbleView.frame = bubbleViewFrame;
if (self.bubbleView.hidden && _slider.tracking) {
[self.bubbleView show:YES];
} else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:kARPageScrubberViewKeypathTracking]) {
if (_slider.tracking) {
if (self.bubbleView.hidden) {
[self.bubbleView show:YES];
} else {
[_slider setValue:self.pageIndex animated:YES];
if (nil != _bubbleTimer) {
[_bubbleTimer invalidate];
[_bubbleTimer release]; _bubbleTimer = nil;
_bubbleTimer = [[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.25f] interval:0.0f target:self.bubbleView selector:@selector(hide) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:_bubbleTimer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
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