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Created June 25, 2024 11:26
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  • Save alexrgreenwood/afdb19382d0b7bf45db5ad20f646e97e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexrgreenwood/afdb19382d0b7bf45db5ad20f646e97e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download and launch latest PSU 5 beta
$zipname = ''
$foldername = 'UniversalApp'
$data_url = ''
$do_download = $false #move this down if you have the latest zip downloaded in this directory already
$do_download = $true
if ($do_download -eq $true){
[xml]$Builds = (Invoke-WebRequest $data_url).Content.Substring(1)
$Latest = $Builds.EnumerationResults.Blobs.Blob |
Where-Object {$_.Name -like "**" -and $_.Name -like "*.zip"} |
ForEach-Object {
Url = $_.Url
LastModified = [DateTime]$_.Properties['Last-Modified'].'#text'
} | Sort-Object LastModified -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Debug "Downloading > $($Latest.Url)" -Debug
Write-Debug "LastModified: $($Latest.LastModified)" -Debug
try {
Remove-Item .\$zipname -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction Continue
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $($Latest.Url) -outfile .\$zipname -Verbose
Remove-Item .\$foldername -Recurse -Confirm:$false
catch{throw _$}
Expand-Archive $zipname -DestinationPath .\$foldername
Get-ChildItem .\$foldername -Recurse | Unblock-File
Remove-Item .\Logs\*.txt
$psu_env = @{
NodeName = 'alex'
SystemLogLevel = 'Information'
SystemLogPath = '.\Logs\SystemLog.txt'
Plugins__0 = 'PostgreSQL'
Data__ConnectionString = 'Host=localhost; Database=PSUv5b7; User Id=pguser; Password=PGPassword1!;Port=5432'
Data__RepositoryPath = '.\Repository'
Start-Process .\$foldername\Universal.Server.exe -Environment $psu_env
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