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Last active August 13, 2016 01:40
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  • Save alexrochas/45590646bfd89c9762c94e72bd860990 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexrochas/45590646bfd89c9762c94e72bd860990 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Script for change my wallpaper dinamically when using i3.
# Dir for my wallpapers.
# Random picture for screens.
primaryPicture=$(/bin/ls $wallpaperDir/* | shuf -n1)
secondaryPicture=$(/bin/ls $secondaryWallpaperDir/* | shuf -n1)
export DISPLAY=:0
# Run feh to change wallpaper.
/usr/bin/feh --bg-scale $secondaryPicture $primaryPicture >> /home/alex/.debug
# For debug purposes only.
# echo "DEBUG: script to change wallpaper is running...wallpaper=$wallpaperDir | picture=$primaryPicture" >> /home/alex/.debug
# echo "DEBUG: script to change wallpaper is running...wallpaper=$secondaryWallpaperDir | picture=$secondaryPicture" >> /home/alex/.debug
# Display config.
# Provides: display
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $time
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog $time
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: One time execute script to configure displays.
# Description: Configure displays.
# Should change if my config is different.
# Necessary since i'm running as root.
export HOME=/home/alex
# For debug purposes only.
# echo "Running display config." >> /home/alex/.debug
xrandr -display :0
xrandr --output $SECONDARY --mode 1920x1200 >> /home/alex/.debug
xrandr --output $PRIMARY --mode 1366x768 >> /home/alex/.debug
xrandr --output $SECONDARY --left-of $PRIMARY >> /home/alex/.debug
# Here I run the script for change wallpaper. Should not be here!
# /home/alex/
feh --bg-scale '/home/alex/Pictures/Wallpapers/secondaryScreen/masterOfPuppets.jpg' '/home/alex/Pictures/Wallpapers/primaryScreen/theWalkingDead.jpeg'
general {
output_format = "i3bar"
colors = true
interval = 5
#order += "ipv6"
#order += "disk /"
order += "disk /home"
order += "run_watch DHCP"
#order += "run_watch VPN"
#order += "wireless wlan0"
order += "ethernet eth1"
#order += "battery 0"
order += "cpu_usage"
#order += "load"
#order += "cpu_temperature 0"
order += "volume master"
order += "time"
cpu_usage {
format = "CPU %usage"
cpu_temperature 0 {
format = "%degrees °C"
wireless wlan0 {
format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid) %ip"
format_down = "W: down"
ethernet eth1 {
# if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
format_down = "E: down"
battery 0 {
format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
volume master {
format = "♪: %volume"
device = "default"
mixer = "Master"
mixer_idx = 0
run_watch DHCP {
pidfile = "/var/run/dhclient*.pid"
run_watch VPN {
pidfile = "/var/run/vpnc/pid"
time {
format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
load {
format = "%1min %5min %15min"
disk "/home" {
format = "Free (/home): %free/%total"
disk "/" {
format = "%free (%avail)/ %total"
general {
output_format = "i3bar"
colors = true
interval = 5
#order += "ipv6"
#order += "disk /"
#order += "run_watch DHCP"
#order += "run_watch VPN"
#order += "wireless wlan0"
#order += "ethernet eth0"
#order += "battery 0"
#order += "cpu_usage"
#order += "load"
#order += "cpu_temperature 0"
order += "volume master"
order += "time"
cpu_usage {
format = "CPU %usage"
cpu_temperature 0 {
format = "%degrees °C"
wireless wlan0 {
format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid) %ip"
format_down = "W: down"
ethernet eth0 {
# if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
format_down = "E: down"
battery 0 {
format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
volume master {
format = "♪: %volume"
device = "default"
mixer = "Master"
mixer_idx = 0
run_watch DHCP {
pidfile = "/var/run/dhclient*.pid"
run_watch VPN {
pidfile = "/var/run/vpnc/pid"
time {
format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
load {
format = "%1min %5min %15min"
disk "/" {
format = "%free (%avail)/ %total"
filter disks {
optical = false
partition_table = false
usage = filesystem
match disks {
automount = true
automount_options = sync
post_mount_command = "notify-send 'Disks-glue mount USB, mounted on %device_file on %mount_point'"
post_unmount_command ="notify-send 'Disks-glue umount USB, umounted on %device_file from %mount_point'"
"3.8.2 (created: 2014/02/13 23:52:43)
command! -nargs=* maps open googlemaps <args>
highlight Hint font-family: monospace; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; color: white; background-color: red; border-color: ButtonShadow; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; padding: 0px 1px 0px 1px;
map ç :
nnoremap K :tabn<Return>
nnoremap J :tabp<Return>
set hintchars=hjklasdf
source! /home/alex/.vimperatorrc.local
" vim: set ft=vimperator:
" Note: Skip initialization for vim-tiny or vim-small.
if !1 | finish | endif
if has('vim_starting')
set nocompatible " Be iMproved
" Required:
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/
" Required:
call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'))
" Let NeoBundle manage NeoBundle
" Required:
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim'
" My Bundles here:
" Refer to |:NeoBundle-examples|.
" Note: You don't set neobundle setting in .gvimrc!
NeoBundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' " Solarized theme
NeoBundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim' " Search in project
NeoBundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' " Syntax checker
NeoBundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine' " Show vertical lines for indentation
NeoBundle 'ameade/qtpy-vim' " Run python unit tests
NeoBundle 'Raimondi/delimitMate' " Auto complete of quotes/parenthesis...
NeoBundle 'andviro/flake8-vim' " Python checker for pep8/mcabe/frosted
NeoBundle 'KabbAmine/zeavim.vim' " Zeal search
NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline' " Status/tabline
"NeoBundle 'ervandew/supertab'
NeoBundle 'SirVer/ultisnips' " Snippets (to edit :UltiSnipsEdit)
NeoBundle 'ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim' " Syntax for dockerfile
NeoBundle 'keith/investigate.vim' " Looking documentation on browser/Zeal/Dash
NeoBundle 'honza/vim-snippets' " Snippets
NeoBundle 'gregsexton/gitv' " Git repository viewer
NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', {
\ 'build' : {
\ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw',
\ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak',
\ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak',
\ 'linux' : 'make',
\ 'unix' : 'gmake',
\ },
\ } " Interactive command execution
NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' " Show's a git diff
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " Show git branch and other similar features
NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' " File navigation
NeoBundle 'Lokaltog/powerline' " Statusline
"NeoBundle 'xmisao/rubyjump.vim' " Go to code ruby
NeoBundle 'slim-template/vim-slim' " Syntax highlighting
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-rails' " Functions for work with rails
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-bundler' " Use bundler from inside vim
NeoBundle 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby' " Systax highlighting for ruby
NeoBundle 'skalnik/vim-vroom' " Run ruby unit tests
NeoBundle 'elzr/vim-json' " Syntax highlighting for json
NeoBundle 'ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring' " Ruby code rename and other functions
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-endwise' " Auto complete 'end' for ruby
NeoBundle 'davidhalter/jedi-vim' " Use it for python
let g:jedi#auto_initialization = 1
let g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers = 0
let g:jedi#popup_select_first = 0
let g:jedi#goto_command = "<F3>"
let g:jedi#goto_assignments_command = "<leader>g"
let g:jedi#goto_definitions_command = ""
let g:jedi#documentation_command = "K"
let g:jedi#usages_command = "<leader>n"
let g:jedi#completions_command = "<C-Space>"
let g:jedi#rename_command = "<leader>r"
NeoBundle 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent' " Pep8 indentation checker
call neobundle#end()
" Required:
filetype plugin indent on
" If there are uninstalled bundles found on startup,
" this will conveniently prompt you to install them.
let mapleader = "\<space>"
set backspace=2
"autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
" Matchit for end highligth
let g:hl_matchit_enable_on_vim_startup = 1
nmap <leader>d :NERDTreeToggle %<CR>
" Ignore .pyc files in NERDTree
let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$']
" Register
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Zeal for docs!
" nmap NEW_MAPPING <Plug>Zeavim " <leader>z (NORMAL mode)
" vmap NEW_MAPPING <Plug>ZVVisSelection " <leader>z (VISUAL mode)
" nmap NEW_MAPPING <Plug>ZVKeyword " <leader>Z
" nmap NEW_MAPPING <Plug>ZVKeyDocset " <leader><leader>z
" vertical line indentation
let g:indentLine_color_term = 239
let g:indentLine_color_gui = '#09AA08'
let g:indentLine_char = '│'
" tab
" retab when you already have a mess.
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set softtabstop=4
autocmd Filetype ruby setlocal tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
" buffer switch with <C-o> and <C-i>
" paste magic
" set paste
" for copy from vim :%w !xclip -i -sel c or :%w xsel -i -b
" for paste to vim :%w !xclip -o -sel -c or :%w xsel -o -b
noremap <silent> <leader>c :w !xclip -i -sel -c<CR>
noremap <silent> <leader>p :w !xclip -o -sel -c<CR>
" Line numbers
set number
" Highlight search
set hlsearch
" flake8-vim
let g:PyFlakeOnWrite = 1
let g:PyFlakeCheckers = 'pep8,mccabe,frosted'
let g:PyFlakeDefaultComplexity=10
"let g:PyFlakeDisabledMessages = 'E501'
"let g:PyFlakeAggressive = 0
"let g:PyFlakeCWindow = 4
let g:PyFlakeSigns = 1
"let g:PyFlakeMaxLineLength = 100
"let g:PyFlakeRangeCommand = 'Q'
" Vim snippets
" Trigger configuration. Do not use <tab> if you use
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-b>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-z>"
" If you want :UltiSnipsEdit to split your window.
let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical"
" Clear search
nnoremap <leader>/ :let@/ = ""<CR>
" Smart search
set incsearch
" Use <leader>t to open ctrlp
let g:ctrlp_map = '<leader>t'
" Ignore these directories
set wildignore+=*/build/**
" disable caching
let g:ctrlp_use_caching=0
syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized
augroup CursorLine
au VimEnter,WinEnter,BufWinEnter * setlocal cursorline cursorcolumn
au WinLeave * setlocal nocursorline nocursorcolumn
augroup END
"transparent background"
"hi Normal ctermfg=252 ctermbg=none
"ctags -R --language-force=java -f .tags"
"set tags+=./tags;/
"set autochdir
set path+=**
"map <C-S-C> "+y
"map <C-S-P> "+p
call togglebg#map("<F12>")
"maybe need run sudo xrdb ~/.Xdefaults to take effect color changes.
"hack to visual mode
hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse guibg=Grey
" Ctags magic for expanding finds.
nnoremap ,f :exec 'ts '.expand('<cword>') <CR>
nnoremap <F5> :e! <CR>
noremap ç :
au FileType python nnoremap <F8> :QTPY file verbose<CR>
au FileType python nnoremap <F9> :QTPY session<CR>
let g:qtpy_shell_command = "nosetests -v -s --nologcapture"
nmap <silent> <C-h> :wincmd h<CR>
nmap <silent> <C-j> :wincmd j<CR>
nmap <silent> <C-k> :wincmd k<CR>
nmap <silent> <C-l> :wincmd l<CR>
set tw=130
set colorcolumn=131
au FileType python set tw=80|set colorcolumn=81
set relativenumber
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
" Setting to git commit msg.
autocmd BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set tw=65
autocmd BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set colorcolumn=66
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif
" CrtlP
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP'
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra'
" compiler c
autocmd BufEnter *.c compiler gcc
autocmd BufNewFile *.sh call append(0,"\#!/bin/bash")
autocmd BufNewFile *.rb call append(0,"\#!/usr/bin/env ruby")
" autocmd FileType java set tags=~/.tags;./.tags;/
autocmd FileType java set tags=./tags;/
au VimResized * exe "normal! \<c-w>="
nmap <silent> + :exe "vertical resize +5"<CR>
nmap <silent> - :exe "vertical resize -5"<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>h :split<CR>
nmap <silent> <leader>v :vsplit<CR>
"nmap <silent> <F2> :tabnew<CR>
"nigate between tabs
"nnoremap tp :tabprevious<CR>
"nnoremap tn :tabnext<CR>
"tab navigation like firefox
nmap <silent> > :tabnext<CR>
nmap <silent> < :tabprevious<CR>
nmap <silent> <F2> :tabnew<CR>
"horizontal split
"nnoremap hh :split<CR>
" trim whitespaces on save
autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@<!$/
autocmd InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()
" Work for me eclim!
let g:EclimMakeLCDWarning = 1
" magic here
" au BufReadCmd *.docx,*.xlsx,*.pptx call zip#Browse(expand(""))
" au BufReadCmd *.odt,*.ott,*.ods,*.ots,*.odp,*.otp,*.odg,*.otg call zip#Browse(expand(""))
" python abreviations
ab ipdb import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
" That macro thing! \o/
" press q and a lowercase letter to star recording, do your thing and press q to stop recording. Then press @ and the lowercase
" pressed before to do the magic!
" Disable one diff window during a three-way diff allowing you to cut out the
" noise of a three-way diff and focus on just the changes between two versions
" at a time. Inspired by Steve Losh's Splice
function! DiffToggle(window)
" Save the cursor position and turn on diff for all windows
let l:save_cursor = getpos('.')
windo :diffthis
" Turn off diff for the specified window (but keep scrollbind) and move
" the cursor to the left-most diff window
exe a:window . "wincmd w"
set scrollbind
set cursorbind
exe a:window . "wincmd " . (a:window == 1 ? "l" : "h")
" Update the diff and restore the cursor position
call setpos('.', l:save_cursor)
" Toggle diff view on the left, center, or right windows
nmap <silent> <leader>dl :call DiffToggle(1)<cr>
nmap <silent> <leader>dc :call DiffToggle(2)<cr>
nmap <silent> <leader>dr :call DiffToggle(3)<cr>
function! DelTagOfFile(file)
let fullpath = a:file
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let f = substitute(fullpath, cwd . "/", "", "")
let f = escape(f, './')
let cmd = 'sed -i "/' . f . '/d" "' . tagfilename . '"'
let resp = system(cmd)
function! UpdateTags()
let f = expand("%:p")
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let cmd = 'ctags -a -f ' . tagfilename . ' --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ' . '"' . f . '"'
call DelTagOfFile(f)
let resp = system(cmd)
autocmd BufWritePost *.java call UpdateTags()
# Bind keys.
# screenshot
m:0x50 + c:107
# xscreensaver
"/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock"
m:0xc + c:46
# xscreensaver with sleep button
"/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock"
m:0x10 + c:150
# raise volume page up
"amixer set Master 3%+"
m:0x50 + c:112
Mod2+Mod4 + Prior
# lower volume page down
"amixer set Master 3%-"
m:0x50 + c:117
# mute
"amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle"
m:0x50 + c:127
# pause-play song
"rhythmbox-client --play-pause"
m:0x40 + c:118
# next song
"rhythmbox-client --next --no-present"
m:0x70 + c:110
# previous song
"rhythmbox-client --previous --no-present"
m:0x70 + c:115
# Xdefaults for terminal style.
# transparency - true or false (default)
URxvt*transparent: true
# tint with any color; i.e., blue, red, tomato4, olivedrab2, etc.
# some nice listings are at:
#URxvt*tintColor: Blue
# shading - 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens.
# Don't use with tintColor; just use a darker or lighter color instead.
URxvt*shading: 10
# scrollback buffer lines - 65535 is max on most machines (64 is default)
URxvt*saveLines: 65535
# font color (default is black)
# URxvt*foreground: White
# background color (prior to tinting) (default is white)
# URxvt*background: Blue
# Xft (X FreeType) with Bitstream, DejaVu, Liberation, or Terminus fonts:
# Fedora/debian packages: libXft/libxft2
# An anti-aliased font setup with Xft looks fantastic; it can be a bit choppy
# on older systems. You can always turn off anti-aliasing (antialias=false) if
# your terminal is sluggish. Use only ONE of the Xft pairs below:
# Xft: Bitstream fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera
#URxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:bold:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: Ubuntu fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: dejavu-sans-mono-fonts/ttf-dejavu
#URxvt*font: xft:Ubuntu mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:hinting=true
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:Ubuntu mono:bold:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: Liberation fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: liberation-mono-fonts/ttf-liberation
URxvt*font: xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:hinting=true
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Liberation Mono:bold:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: Terminus fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: terminus-fonts/xfonts-terminus
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=15
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:terminus:bold:pixelsize=15
# Traditional fonts - a more traditional font setup in lieu of xft
# Replace blue folder colors with a lighter shade for clarity. To
# set colored folders and files within urxvt, xterm, and aterm, add
# the following line to your ~/.bashrc ($HOME/.bashrc) file under
# the heading "# User specific aliases and functions":
# alias ls="ls -h --color=auto"
# URxvt*color4: RoyalBlue
# URxvt*color12: RoyalBlue
# scrollbar - true (default) or false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
# scrollbar position - left=false (default) or right=true
URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
# scrollbar style - rxvt (default), plain, next, or xterm
URxvt*scrollstyle: rxvt
# intensity style.
URxvt.intensityStyles: false
# copy and paste to system clipboard
!URxvt*keysym*Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste
!URxvt*iso14755: False
!URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,clipboard
! xscreensaver ---------------------------------------------------------------
!font settings
xscreensaver.Dialog.headingFont: -*-dina-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.Dialog.bodyFont: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.Dialog.labelFont: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.Dialog.unameFont: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.Dialog.buttonFont: -*-dina-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.Dialog.dateFont: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xscreensaver.passwd.passwdFont: -*-dina-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!general dialog box (affects main hostname, username, password text)
xscreensaver.Dialog.foreground: #ffffff
xscreensaver.Dialog.background: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.topShadowColor: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.bottomShadowColor: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.foreground: #666666
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.background: #ffffff
!username/password input box and date text colour
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.foreground: #666666
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.background: #ffffff
xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth: 20
xscreensaver.Dialog.shadowThickness: 2
!timeout bar (background is actually determined by Dialog.text.background)
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.foreground: #ff0000
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.background: #000000
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.width: 8
!datestamp format--see the strftime(3) manual page for details
xscreensaver.dateFormat: %I:%M%P %a %b %d, %Y
! Novo Xdefaults
! URxvt settings
! Colours lifted from Solarized (
! More info at:
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt.geometry: 90x30
!URxvt.transparent: false
!URxvt.fading: 0
! URxvt.urgentOnBell: true
! URxvt.visualBell: true
URxvt.loginShell: true
!URxvt.saveLines: 50
URxvt.internalBorder: 3
URxvt.lineSpace: 0
! Fonts
URxvt.allow_bold: false
/* URxvt.font: -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-120-72-72-c-60-iso8859-1 */
#URxvt*font: xft:Liberation:pixelsize=16
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:Liberation:pixelsize=16
! Fix font space
URxvt*letterSpace: -1
! Change font
URxvt.keysym.M-C-1: command:\033]710;suxuseuro\007\033]711;suxuseuro\007
URxvt.keysym.M-C-2: command:\033]710;9x15bold\007\033]711;9x15bold\007
! Scrollbar
URxvt.scrollStyle: rxvt
URxvt.scrollBar: false
! Perl extensions
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
! Cursor
URxvt.cursorBlink: true
URxvt.cursorColor: #657b83
URxvt.cursorUnderline: false
! Pointer
URxvt.pointerBlank: true
*background: #002b36
*foreground: #657b83
!!*fading: 40
*fadeColor: #002b36
*cursorColor: #93a1a1
*pointerColorBackground: #586e75
*pointerColorForeground: #93a1a1
!! black dark/light
*color0: #073642
*color8: #002b36
!! red dark/light
*color1: #dc322f
*color9: #cb4b16
!! green dark/light
*color2: #859900
*color10: #586e75
!! yellow dark/light
*color3: #b58900
*color11: #657b83
!! blue dark/light
*color4: #268bd2
*color12: #839496
!! magenta dark/light
*color5: #d33682
*color13: #6c71c4
!! cyan dark/light
*color6: #2aa198
*color14: #93a1a1
!! white dark/light
*color7: #eee8d5
*color15: #fdf6e3
!! tab
URxvt.keysym.C-Tab: \033{
URxvt.keysym.Control-Shift-ISO_Left_Tab: \033}
! disable ctrl-shit
URxvt*iso14755: False
URxvt*iso14755_52: False
# XScreenSaver Preferences File
# Written by xscreensaver-demo 5.15 for alex on Wed Aug 6 08:40:29 2014.
timeout: 0:10:00
cycle: 0:10:00
lock: True
lockTimeout: 0:00:00
passwdTimeout: 0:00:30
visualID: default
installColormap: True
verbose: False
timestamp: True
splash: True
splashDuration: 0:00:05
demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo
prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs
nice: 10
memoryLimit: 0
fade: True
unfade: False
fadeSeconds: 0:00:03
fadeTicks: 20
captureStderr: True
font: *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
dpmsEnabled: False
dpmsQuickOff: False
dpmsStandby: 2:00:00
dpmsSuspend: 2:00:00
dpmsOff: 4:00:00
grabDesktopImages: False
grabVideoFrames: False
chooseRandomImages: True
imageDirectory: /home/alex/Pictures/Wallpapers
mode: one
selected: 142
textMode: url
textLiteral: XScreenSaver
textProgram: fortune
programs: \
maze -root \n\
GL: superquadrics -root \n\
attraction -root \n\
blitspin -root \n\
greynetic -root \n\
helix -root \n\
hopalong -root \n\
imsmap -root \n\
- noseguy -root \n\
- pyro -root \n\
qix -root \n\
- rocks -root \n\
rorschach -root \n\
decayscreen -root \n\
flame -root \n\
halo -root \n\
slidescreen -root \n\
pedal -root \n\
bouboule -root \n\
- braid -root \n\
coral -root \n\
deco -root \n\
drift -root \n\
- fadeplot -root \n\
galaxy -root \n\
goop -root \n\
grav -root \n\
ifs -root \n\
GL: jigsaw -root \n\
julia -root \n\
- kaleidescope -root \n\
GL: moebius -root \n\
moire -root \n\
GL: morph3d -root \n\
mountain -root \n\
munch -root \n\
penrose -root \n\
GL: pipes -root \n\
rd-bomb -root \n\
GL: rubik -root \n\
- sierpinski -root \n\
slip -root \n\
GL: sproingies -root \n\
starfish -root \n\
strange -root \n\
swirl -root \n\
triangle -root \n\
xjack -root \n\
xlyap -root \n\
GL: atlantis -root \n\
bsod -root \n\
GL: bubble3d -root \n\
GL: cage -root \n\
- crystal -root \n\
cynosure -root \n\
discrete -root \n\
distort -root \n\
epicycle -root \n\
flow -root \n\
- GL: glplanet -root \n\
interference -root \n\
kumppa -root \n\
GL: lament -root \n\
moire2 -root \n\
GL: sonar -root \n\
GL: stairs -root \n\
truchet -root \n\
- vidwhacker -root \n\
blaster -root \n\
bumps -root \n\
ccurve -root \n\
compass -root \n\
deluxe -root \n\
- demon -root \n\
GL: extrusion -root \n\
- loop -root \n\
penetrate -root \n\
petri -root \n\
phosphor -root \n\
GL: pulsar -root \n\
ripples -root \n\
shadebobs -root \n\
GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\
spotlight -root \n\
squiral -root \n\
wander -root \n\
- webcollage -root \n\
xflame -root \n\
xmatrix -root \n\
GL: gflux -root \n\
- nerverot -root \n\
xrayswarm -root \n\
xspirograph -root \n\
GL: circuit -root \n\
GL: dangerball -root \n\
GL: engine -root \n\
GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\
GL: gltext -root \n\
GL: menger -root \n\
GL: molecule -root \n\
rotzoomer -root \n\
speedmine -root \n\
GL: starwars -root \n\
GL: stonerview -root \n\
vermiculate -root \n\
whirlwindwarp -root \n\
zoom -root \n\
anemone -root \n\
apollonian -root \n\
GL: boxed -root \n\
GL: cubenetic -root \n\
GL: endgame -root \n\
euler2d -root \n\
fluidballs -root \n\
GL: flurry -root \n\
- GL: glblur -root \n\
GL: glsnake -root \n\
halftone -root \n\
GL: juggler3d -root \n\
GL: lavalite -root \n\
- polyominoes -root \n\
GL: queens -root \n\
- GL: sballs -root \n\
GL: spheremonics -root \n\
- thornbird -root \n\
twang -root \n\
- GL: antspotlight -root \n\
apple2 -root \n\
GL: atunnel -root \n\
barcode -root \n\
GL: blinkbox -root \n\
GL: blocktube -root \n\
GL: bouncingcow -root \n\
cloudlife -root \n\
GL: cubestorm -root \n\
eruption -root \n\
GL: flipflop -root \n\
GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\
fontglide -root \n\
GL: gleidescope -root \n\
GL: glknots -root \n\
GL: glmatrix -root -delay 0 -density 70 \n\
- GL: glslideshow -root \n\
GL: hypertorus -root \n\
- GL: jigglypuff -root \n\
metaballs -root \n\
GL: mirrorblob -root \n\
piecewise -root \n\
GL: polytopes -root \n\
pong -root \n\
popsquares -root \n\
GL: surfaces -root \n\
xanalogtv -root \n\
- abstractile -root \n\
anemotaxis -root \n\
- GL: antinspect -root \n\
fireworkx -root \n\
fuzzyflakes -root \n\
interaggregate -root \n\
intermomentary -root \n\
memscroller -root \n\
GL: noof -root \n\
pacman -root \n\
GL: pinion -root \n\
GL: polyhedra -root \n\
- GL: providence -root \n\
substrate -root \n\
wormhole -root \n\
- GL: antmaze -root \n\
GL: boing -root \n\
boxfit -root \n\
GL: carousel -root \n\
celtic -root \n\
GL: crackberg -root \n\
GL: cube21 -root \n\
fiberlamp -root \n\
GL: fliptext -root \n\
GL: glhanoi -root \n\
GL: tangram -root \n\
GL: timetunnel -root \n\
GL: glschool -root \n\
GL: topblock -root \n\
GL: cubicgrid -root \n\
cwaves -root \n\
GL: gears -root \n\
GL: glcells -root \n\
GL: lockward -root \n\
m6502 -root \n\
GL: moebiusgears -root \n\
GL: voronoi -root \n\
GL: hypnowheel -root \n\
GL: klein -root \n\
- lcdscrub -root \n\
GL: photopile -root \n\
GL: skytentacles -root \n\
GL: rubikblocks -root \n\
GL: companioncube -root \n\
GL: hilbert -root \n\
GL: tronbit -root \n\
unicode -root \n\
pointerPollTime: 0:00:05
pointerHysteresis: 10
initialDelay: 0:00:00
procInterrupts: True
xinputExtensionDev: False
overlayStderr: True
#Xsession, here I determine which program will run on i3 startup.
exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &
exec gnome-sound-applet &
exec udisks-glue -c /home/alex/.udisks-glue.conf &
#Workrave (worth it?)
exec workrave &
#display config
exec /home/alex/ &
exec i3
setxkbmap -model thinkpad60 -layout br
xscreensaver -no-splash &
# Actually my work zshel without dependecy management and with oh-my-zsh.
# # TODO remove oh-my-zsh.
source /home/alex/Development/antigen/antigen.zsh
# Load the oh-my-zsh's library.
antigen use oh-my-zsh
# Bundles from the default repo (robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh).
antigen bundle git
antigen bundle heroku
antigen bundle pip
antigen bundle lein
antigen bundle command-not-found
# Syntax highlighting bundle.
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Load the theme.
antigen theme robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh themes/apple
# Tell antigen that you're done.
antigen apply
# Set name of the theme to load.
# Look in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
# Optionally, if you set this to "random", it'll load a random theme each
# time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.
# Functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# compressed file expander
# (from
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
ex() {
if [[ -f $1 ]]; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1;;
*.tar.xz) tar xvJf $1;;
*.tar.lzma) tar --lzma xvf $1;;
*.bz2) bunzip $1;;
*.rar) unrar $1;;
*.gz) gunzip $1;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1;;
*.zip) unzip $1;;
*.Z) uncompress $1;;
*.7z) 7z x $1;;
*.dmg) hdiutul mount $1;; # mount OS X disk images
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >ex<";;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
# Aliases
alias filemanager='pcmanfm'
alias pomodoros='nohup ~/Development/TeamViz/TeamViz'
alias zshmytheme='vim ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/alex.zsh-theme'
alias zshconfig='vim ~/.zshrc'
alias vimrc='vim ~/.vimrc'
alias i3config='vim ~/.i3/config'
# alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
alias git='nocorrect git'
#alias java6='echo Setting this terminal to JAVA 6 jvm.; export JAVA_HOME=/home/alexlucas/DmView/jdk1.6.0_14'
#alias java7='echo Setting this terminal to JAVA 7 jvm.; export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.7-oracle'
alias environment='sudo vim /etc/environment'
alias xsessionconf='vim ~/.xsession'
alias sudo='sudo -E '
alias dev='cd ~/Development'
alias rundashboard='python ~/Development/jenkins_test/dashboard/ --config ~/Development/jenkins_test/dashboard/docs/config.json --debug'
alias workpy='workon dashboard'
alias notebook='jupyter notebook'
alias clipboard='xsel -b'
# vim like shell
bindkey -v
bindkey '^P' up-history
bindkey '^N' down-history
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
bindkey '^h' backward-delete-char
bindkey '^w' backward-kill-word
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward
# Uncomment this to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks
# Uncomment to change how often before auto-updates occur? (in days)
# export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13
# Uncomment following line if you want to disable colors in ls
# Uncomment following line if you want to disable autosetting terminal title.
# Uncomment following line if you want to disable command autocorrection
# unsetopt correct
# setopt nocorrectall
# Uncomment following line if you want red dots to be displayed while waiting for completion
# Uncomment following line if you want to disable marking untracked files under
# VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories much,
# much faster.
# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Customize to your needs...
# Superman logo
# jp2a --fill --background=dark --term-fit ~/Pictures/watchmenLogo.jpg
#jp2a --fill --background=light --fill ~/Pictures/supermanLogo.jpeg
# empty line
echo ""
# Fortunes
# fortune 30% debian-hints 30% brasil 40% riddles
# Mensagem
echo -e "\n\"Agora é o lugar onde as perguntas descansam e as respostas crescem, nos seus próprios tempos…\"\n\n~ Jeff Foster, \"Slow Down, Friend\"\n"
echo -e "\"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.\"\n\n~ Harvey Dent\n"
echo -e "\"All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.\"\n\n~ Batty - Blade Runner(1982)\n"
echo -e "\"Então, pra que querer ter sempre razão? Não quero ter razão, Quero é ser Feliz!\"\n\n~ Ferreira Gullar\n"
echo -e "\"Most of answers you need already exist in someone else's head; find those people.\"\n\n~ Unknown\n"
echo -e "\"Não exageres o culto da verdade; não há homem que ao fim de um dia não tenha mentido com razão muitas vezes.\"\n\n~ Unknown\n"
echo -e "\"I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel.\n\
Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, \"Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight.\n\
Go see him. That should pick you up.\" Man bursts into tears. Says, \"But doctor... I am Pagliacci.\"\n\
Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. \"\n\n~ Rorschach\n"
echo -e "\"Forge meaning, build identity.\"\n\n~ Andrew Solomon.\n"
echo -e "\"1º Curiosity comes first.\n2º Embrace the mess.\n3º Practice reflection.\"\n\n~Ramsey Musallam\n"
echo -e "\"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,\n\
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.\"\n\n~Albert Einstein\n"
echo -e "\"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards.
They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall.
But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal.
In time, you will help them accomplish wonders. \"\n\n ~Jor-El (Man Of Steel)\n"
echo -e "\"Inventei um ditado, que diz, ‘Coleciono vinhos ruins’.
Porque se o vinho é bom, está à disposição e a pessoa está ali, eu abrirei\"\n\n ~Ric Elias\n"
echo -e "\"[Speaking to his son] You love playing with that.
You love playing with all your stuffed animals.
You love your Mommy, your Daddy. You love your pajamas.
You love everything, don't ya? Yea. But you know what, buddy?
As you get older... some of the things you love might not seem so special anymore.
Like your Jack-in-a-Box.
Maybe you'll realize it's just a piece of tin and a stuffed animal.
And the older you get, the fewer things you really love.
And by the time you get to my age, maybe it's only one or two things.
With me, I think it's one.\"\n
~Staff Sergeant William James (Hurt Locker)"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/apps/tools/scm_tools/scm_common/python/
export XAUTHORITY=/home/alex/.Xauthority
# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
# It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
# Should you change your keyboard layout somewhen, delete
# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).
# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!
set $mod Mod4
# colors class (border/backgr./text)
client.focused #F00 #F00 #ffffff
# client.unfocused #4b819a #4b819a #4b819a
# new window border style
new_window pixel 1
# focus follows mouse
focus_follows_mouse no
# font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
font pango: Liberation 14px
# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier $mod
# start a terminal
# bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec ~/.i3/
# kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+Q kill
# start dmenu (a program launcher)
bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run -p alex$
# bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id j4-dmenu-desktop
# bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
# change focus
bindsym $mod+h focus left
bindsym $mod+j focus down
bindsym $mod+k focus up
bindsym $mod+l focus right
# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
bindsym $mod+Left focus left
bindsym $mod+Down focus down
bindsym $mod+Up focus up
bindsym $mod+Right focus right
# move focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+H move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+J move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+K move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+L move right
# switch workspace
bindcode $mod+60 workspace next_on_output
bindcode $mod+59 workspace prev_on_output
# rename workspaces
bindsym $mod+n exec i3-input -F 'rename workspace to "%s"' -P 'New name: '
# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
# split in horizontal orientation
bindsym $mod+Shift+v split h
# split in vertical orientation
bindsym $mod+v split v
# enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
# change container layout (stacked, tabbed, default)
bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+e layout default
# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
# change focus between tiling / floating windows
bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
# focus the parent container
bindsym $mod+a focus parent
# focus the child container
bindsym $mod+z focus child
# switch to workspace
bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1: Workbench
bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2: Web
bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3: IDE
bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4: Job
bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5: Mail
bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6: Documents
bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7: Helper
bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8: SQL
bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9: VIM
bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10: Play
# color_good = "#00FF00"
# move focused container to workspace
bindcode $mod+Shift+10 move workspace 1: Workbench; workspace 1: Workbench
bindcode $mod+Shift+11 move workspace 2: Web; workspace 2: Web
bindcode $mod+Shift+12 move workspace 3: IDE; workspace 3: IDE
bindcode $mod+Shift+13 move workspace 4: Job; workspace 4: Job
bindcode $mod+Shift+14 move workspace 5: Mail; workspace 5: Mail
bindcode $mod+Shift+15 move workspace 6: Documents; workspace 6: Documents
bindcode $mod+Shift+16 move workspace 7: Helper; workspace 7: Helper
bindcode $mod+Shift+17 move workspace 8: SQL; workspace 8: SQL
bindcode $mod+Shift+18 move workspace 9: VIM; workspace 9: VIM
bindcode $mod+Shift+19 move workspace 10: Play; workspace 10: Play
# reload the configuration file
bindsym $mod+Shift+C reload
# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
bindsym $mod+Shift+R restart
# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+E exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
mode "resize" {
# These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
# They resize the border in the direction you pressed, e.g.
# when pressing left, the window is resized so that it has
# more space on its left
bindsym j resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Shift+j resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym k resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Shift+k resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym l resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Shift+l resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym semicolon resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Shift+semicolon resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
# same bindings, but for the arrow keys
bindsym Left resize shrink left 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Shift+Left resize grow left 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Down resize shrink down 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Shift+Down resize grow down 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Up resize shrink up 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Shift+Up resize grow up 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Right resize shrink right 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym Shift+Right resize grow right 5 px or 5 ppt
# back to normal: Enter or Escape
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
#status_command i3status -c
status_command i3status -c ~/.i3status.conf
output DP2
position top
mode hide
hidden_state hide
tray_output eDP1
bar {
status_command i3status -c ~/.i3status.conf
output eDP1
position top
tray_output eDP1
#mode hide
#hidden_state hide
# popup strategy
popup_during_fullscreen leave_fullscreen
# sound
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id amixer set Master 3%-
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id amixer set Master 3%+
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle
# class assign
assign [class="Pidgin"] → 1: Workbench
assign [class="Icedove"] → 5: Mail
assign [class="Iceweasel"] → 2: Web
assign [class="jetbrains-idea-ce"] → 3: IDE
assign [class="jetbrains-idea"] → 3: IDE
assign [class="Google-chrome"] → 4: Job
assign [class="Evince"] → 6: Documents
assign [class="Okular"] → 6: Documents
assign [title="Skype"] → 10: Play
assign [title="Remmina"] → 7: Helper
assign [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Run"] → 7: Helper
assign [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Debug"] → 7: Helper
assign [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Project"] → 7: Helper
assign [title="Favorites"] → 7: Helper
assign [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Find"] → 7: Helper
assign [class="Spotify"] → 10: Play
assign [class="Firefox"] → 2: Web
# window behavior
for_window [class="URxvt"] border 1pixel
for_window [class="Firefox"] border none
# for_window [class="jetbrains-idea-ce"] border none
# startup aplicattions
exec --no-startup-id /home/alex/.display; /home/alex/
# exec --no-startup-id tomboy
# exec --no-startup-id firefox
# exec --no-startup-id intellij
# windows rules
for_window [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Run"] floating disable
for_window [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Debug"] floating disable
for_window [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Project"] floating disable
for_window [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Favorites"] floating disable
for_window [class="jetbrains-idea" title="Find"] floating disable
# try not use capslock
# exec setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
exec setxkbmap -option caps:escape
# start xscreensaver
bindsym mod1+control+l exec xscreensaver-command -lock
# scratchpad
bindcode $mod+Shift+49 move scratchpad
bindcode $mod+49 scratchpad show
# rules for workspaces
workspace "4: Job" output DP2
workspace "9: VIM" output DP2
workspace "10: Play" output eDP1
#workspace "8: SQL" output VGA-1
#workspace "5: Mail" output DVI-I-1
workspace "1: Workbench" output DP2
workspace "2: Web" output eDP1
workspace "3: IDE" output DP2
workspace "7: Helper" output eDP1
#workspace "6: Documents" output VGA-1
# keys to move workspace through outputs
bindsym $mod+Shift+P move workspace to output DP2
bindsym $mod+p move workspace to output eDP1
# Cronjob for run change wallpaper script.
*/5 * * * * alex /bin/bash /home/alex/
* * * * * root echo "DEBUG: wallpaper cronjob." >> /home/alex/.debug
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