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Last active September 2, 2016 15:02
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Default gemset generated with 'rvm gemset export'
# alex.gems generated gem export file. Note that any env variable settings will be missing. Append these after using a ';' field separator
actioncable -v5.0.0
actionmailer -v5.0.0
actionmailer -v4.2.4
actionpack -v5.0.0
actionpack -v4.2.4
actionview -v5.0.0
actionview -v4.2.4
activejob -v5.0.0
activejob -v4.2.4
activemodel -v5.0.0
activemodel -v4.2.4
activerecord -v5.0.0
activerecord -v4.2.4
activesupport -v5.0.0
activesupport -v4.2.7
activesupport -v4.2.4
addressable -v2.4.0
arel -v7.0.0
arel -v6.0.3
babel-source -v5.8.33
babel-transpiler -v0.7.0
backports -v3.6.8
bigdecimal -v1.2.8
binding_of_caller -v0.7.2
bond -v0.5.1
builder -v3.2.2
bundler -v1.12.5
byebug -v9.0.5
byebug -v6.0.2
codeclimate-test-reporter -v0.6.0
coffee-rails -v4.1.0
coffee-script -v2.4.1
coffee-script-source -v1.10.0
coffee-script-source -v1.9.1.1
colorator -v0.1
concurrent-ruby -v1.0.2
connection_pool -v2.2.0
coveralls -v0.8.14
data_uri -v0.1.0
debase -v0.2.2.beta8
debase -v0.2.1
debase-ruby_core_source -v0.9.1
debug_inspector -v0.0.2
diff-lcs -v1.2.5
docile -v1.1.5
erubis -v2.7.0
ethon -v0.9.0
execjs -v2.7.0
execjs -v2.6.0
factory_girl -v4.7.0
factory_girl_rails -v4.7.0
faker -v1.6.6
faraday -v0.9.2
faraday_middleware -v0.10.0
ffi -v1.9.14
ffi -v1.9.13
ffi-rzmq -v2.0.4
ffi-rzmq-core -v1.0.5
gemoji -v2.1.0
generator_spec -v0.9.3
gh -v0.14.0
gist -v4.5.0
git-explorer -v0.1.0
github-pages -v89
github-pages-health-check -v1.1.0
globalid -v0.3.6
highline -v1.7.8
homesick -v1.1.3
html-pipeline -v2.4.2
i18n -v0.7.0
io-console -v0.4.5
iruby -v0.2.9
jbuilder -v2.3.2
jekyll -v3.1.6
jekyll-coffeescript -v1.0.1
jekyll-feed -v0.5.1
jekyll-gist -v1.4.0
jekyll-github-metadata -v2.0.2
jekyll-mentions -v1.1.3
jekyll-paginate -v1.1.0
jekyll-redirect-from -v0.11.0
jekyll-sass-converter -v1.4.0
jekyll-sass-converter -v1.3.0
jekyll-seo-tag -v2.0.0
jekyll-sitemap -v0.10.0
jekyll-watch -v1.5.0
jekyll-watch -v1.4.0
jemoji -v0.7.0
jquery-rails -v4.0.5
json -v2.0.1
json -v1.8.3
kramdown -v1.11.1
launchy -v2.4.3
liquid -v3.0.6
listen -v3.0.8
listen -v3.0.6
loofah -v2.0.3
mail -v2.6.4
mail -v2.6.3
mercenary -v0.3.6
method_source -v0.8.2
mime-types -v3.1
mime-types -v2.6.2
mime-types-data -v3.2016.0521
mimemagic -v0.3.1
mini_portile -v0.6.2
mini_portile2 -v2.1.0
minitest -v5.9.0
minitest -v5.8.1
multi_json -v1.12.1
multi_json -v1.11.2
multipart-post -v2.0.0
net-dns -v0.8.0
net-http-persistent -v2.9.4
net-http-pipeline -v1.0.1
nio4r -v1.2.1
nokogiri -v1.6.8
nokogiri -v1.6.6.2
nyaplot -v0.1.6
octokit -v4.3.0
pickup -v0.0.11
pigments -v0.0.1
pipeme -v0.1.0
pkg-config -v1.1.7
posix-spawn -v0.3.11
power_assert -v0.3.0
psych -v2.0.17
public_suffix -v1.5.3
puma -v3.4.0
pusher-client -v0.6.2
pygments.rb -v0.6.3
rack -v2.0.1
rack -v1.6.4
rack-protection -v1.5.3
rack-test -v0.6.3
rails -v5.0.0
rails -v4.2.4
rails-deprecated_sanitizer -v1.0.3
rails-dom-testing -v2.0.1
rails-dom-testing -v1.0.7
rails-html-sanitizer -v1.0.3
rails-html-sanitizer -v1.0.2
railties -v5.0.0
railties -v4.2.4
rake -v11.2.2
rb-fsevent -v0.9.7
rb-inotify -v0.9.7
rbczmq -v1.7.9
rbzmq -v0.1.0
rdoc -v4.2.1
rdoc -v4.2.0
react-rails -v1.4.2
redcarpet -v3.3.4
rouge -v1.11.1
rspec -v3.5.0
rspec-core -v3.5.2
rspec-core -v3.5.1
rspec-core -v3.1.7
rspec-expectations -v3.5.0
rspec-expectations -v3.1.2
rspec-mocks -v3.5.0
rspec-mocks -v3.1.3
rspec-rails -v3.5.2
rspec-rails -v3.1.0
rspec-support -v3.5.0
rspec-support -v3.1.2
ruby-debug-ide -v0.6.1.beta2
safe_yaml -v1.0.4
sass -v3.4.22
sass -v3.4.19
sass-rails -v5.0.4
sawyer -v0.7.0
sdoc -v0.4.1
simplecov -v0.12.0
simplecov-html -v0.10.0
sinatra -v1.4.7
spring -v1.7.2
spring -v1.4.0
spring-watcher-listen -v2.0.0
sprockets -v3.6.3
sprockets -v3.4.0
sprockets-rails -v3.1.1
sprockets-rails -v2.3.3
sqlite3 -v1.3.11
term-ansicolor -v1.3.2
terminal-table -v1.6.0
test-unit -v3.2.0
thor -v0.19.1
thread_safe -v0.3.5
tilt -v2.0.5
tilt -v2.0.1
tins -v1.6.0
travis -v1.8.2
turbolinks -v2.5.3
twitter-bootstrap-rails -v3.2.0
typhoeus -v0.8.0
tzinfo -v1.2.2
uglifier -v2.7.2
web-console -v2.2.1
websocket -v1.2.3
websocket-driver -v0.6.4
websocket-extensions -v0.1.2
yajl-ruby -v1.2.1
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