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Created October 2, 2019 19:29
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def write_anat(bids_root, subject, t1w, session=None, acquisition=None,
raw=None, trans=None, deface=False, overwrite=False,
"""Put anatomical MRI data into a BIDS format.
Given a BIDS directory and a T1 weighted MRI scan for a certain subject,
format the MRI scan to be in BIDS format and put it into the correct
location in the bids_dir. If a transformation matrix is supplied, a
sidecar JSON file will be written for the T1 weighted data.
bids_root : str
Path to root of the BIDS folder
subject : str
Subject label as in 'sub-<label>', for example: '01'
t1w : str | nibabel image object
Path to a T1 weighted MRI scan of the subject. Can be in any format
readable by nibabel. Can also be a nibabel image object of a T1
weighted MRI scan. Will be written as a .nii.gz file.
session : str | None
The session for `t1w`. Corresponds to "ses"
acquisition: str | None
The acquisition parameters for `t1w`. Corresponds to "acq"
raw : instance of Raw | None
The raw data of `subject` corresponding to `t1w`. If `raw` is None,
`trans` has to be None as well
trans : instance of mne.transforms.Transform | str | None
The transformation matrix from head coordinates to MRI coordinates. Can
also be a string pointing to a .trans file containing the
transformation matrix. If None, no sidecar JSON file will be written
for `t1w`
deface : bool | tuple (float, float, str, bool) | None
If True, deface with default parameters, if parameters are provided,
the order is inset, theta, method, plot. Here `inset`
is how far back as a fraction of mri space to start defacing
relative to the nasion (default 0.2), `theta` is the angle of
the defacing shear (default 35 degrees), `method` accepts
`smooth` to apply a guassian kernal to the masked
face area and `erase` to set the image values in the face area
to zero (default `smooth`, `plot_on` is whether or not to
plot the results (default False). If None, no defacing
will be performed.
overwrite : bool
Whether to overwrite existing files or data in files.
Defaults to False.
If overwrite is True, any existing files with the same BIDS parameters
will be overwritten with the exception of the `participants.tsv` and
`scans.tsv` files. For these files, parts of pre-existing data that
match the current data will be replaced.
If overwrite is False, no existing data will be overwritten or
verbose : bool
If verbose is True, this will print a snippet of the sidecar files. If
False, no content will be printed.
anat_dir : str
Path to the anatomical scan in the `bids_dir`
if not has_nibabel(): # pragma: no cover
raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
import nibabel as nib
if deface and trans is None:
raise ValueError('The raw object and trans must be provided to '
'deface the T1')
if isinstance(deface, list) or isinstance(deface, tuple):
inset, theta, method, plot_on = deface
assert isinstance(inset, float) or isinstance(inset, int)
assert isinstance(theta, float) or isinstance(inset, int)
assert isinstance(method, str)
assert isinstance(plot_on, bool)
elif deface:
inset, theta, method, plot_on = (0.2, 35., 'smooth', False)
# Make directory for anatomical data
anat_dir = op.join(bids_root, 'sub-{}'.format(subject))
# Session is optional
if session is not None:
anat_dir = op.join(anat_dir, 'ses-{}'.format(session))
anat_dir = op.join(anat_dir, 'anat')
if not op.exists(anat_dir):
# Try to read our T1 file and convert to MGH representation
if isinstance(t1w, str):
t1w = nib.load(t1w)
elif type(t1w) not in nib.all_image_classes:
raise ValueError('`t1w` must be a path to a T1 weighted MRI data file '
', or a nibabel image object, but it is of type '
t1w = nib.Nifti1Image(t1w.dataobj, t1w.affine)
# XYZT_UNITS = NIFT_UNITS_MM (10 in binary or 2 in decimal)
# seems to be the default for Nifti files
if t1w.header['xyzt_units'] == 0:
t1w.header['xyzt_units'] = np.array(10, dtype='uint8')
# Now give the NIfTI file a BIDS name and write it to the BIDS location
t1w_basename = make_bids_basename(subject=subject, session=session,
acquisition=acquisition, prefix=anat_dir,
# Check if we have necessary conditions for writing a sidecar JSON
if trans is not None:
# get trans and ensure it is from head to MRI
trans, _ = _get_trans(trans, fro='head', to='mri')
if not isinstance(raw, BaseRaw):
raise ValueError('`raw` must be specified if `trans` is not None')
# Prepare to write the sidecar JSON
# extract MEG landmarks
coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(['dig'])
meg_landmarks = np.asarray((coords_dict['LPA'],
# Transform MEG landmarks into MRI space, adjust units by * 1e3
mri_landmarks = apply_trans(trans, meg_landmarks, move=True) * 1e3
# Get landmarks in voxel space, using the mgh version of our T1 data
t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1w.dataobj, t1w.affine)
vox2ras_tkr = t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
ras2vox_tkr = np.linalg.inv(vox2ras_tkr)
mri_landmarks = apply_trans(ras2vox_tkr, mri_landmarks) # in vox
# Write sidecar.json
t1w_json = dict()
t1w_json['AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates'] = \
{'LPA': list(mri_landmarks[0, :]),
'NAS': list(mri_landmarks[1, :]),
'RPA': list(mri_landmarks[2, :])}
fname = t1w_basename.replace('.nii.gz', '.json')
if op.isfile(fname) and not overwrite:
raise IOError('Wanted to write a file but it already exists and '
'`overwrite` is set to False. File: "{}"'
_write_json(fname, t1w_json, overwrite, verbose)
if deface:
# x: L/R L+, y: S/I I+, z: A/P A+
t1w_data = t1w.get_data().copy()
indices = np.meshgrid(np.arange(t1w_data.shape[0]),
indices = np.array(indices) # e.g., (3, 86, 86, 86)
indices = np.transpose(indices, [1, 2, 3, 0]) # (86, 86, 86, 3)
indices = indices.reshape(-1, 3) # (86 * 86 * 86, 3)
mri_landmarks2 = apply_trans(t1w.affine, mri_landmarks)
meg_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(*mri_landmarks2[[1, 0, 2]])
indices = apply_trans(t1w.affine, indices)
indices = apply_trans(meg_trans, indices)
trans_y = -mri_landmarks2[1, 1] + t1w_data.shape[2] * inset
indices = apply_trans(translation(y=trans_y), indices)
indices = apply_trans(rotation(x=-np.deg2rad(theta)), indices)
coords = indices.reshape(t1w.shape + (3,))
mask = (coords[..., 2] < 0)
if method == 'smooth':
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
for layer in range(5):
t1w_data[mask] = gaussian_filter(t1w_data,
sigma=0.5 * layer,
z = t1w_data.shape[2] * 0.1
indices = apply_trans(translation(z=z),
coords = indices.reshape(t1w.shape + (3,))
mask = (coords[..., 2] < 0)
elif method == 'erase':
t1w_data[mask] = 0.
raise ValueError('Deface argument %s not recognized' % method)
t1w = nib.Nifti1Image(t1w_data, t1w.affine, t1w.header)
if plot_on:
fig = t1w.orthoview()
# Save anatomical data
if op.exists(t1w_basename):
if overwrite:
raise IOError('Wanted to write a file but it already exists and '
'`overwrite` is set to False. File: "{}"'
.format(t1w_basename)), t1w_basename)
return anat_dir
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