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Created January 31, 2023 17:46
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Inflate a brain from the pial surface to visualize sEEG contacts
import os
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import mne
import imageio
misc_path = mne.datasets.misc.data_path()
sample_path = mne.datasets.sample.data_path()
subjects_dir = misc_path / 'seeg'
subject = 'sample_seeg'
raw = / 'seeg' / 'sample_seeg_ieeg.fif')
trans = mne.coreg.estimate_head_mri_t('sample_seeg', subjects_dir)
view_kwargs = dict(azimuth=120, elevation=100, distance=600,
focalpoint=(0, 0, -15))
proj_info = mne.preprocessing.ieeg.project_sensors_onto_inflated(, trans, subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
surf_data = dict(lh=dict(), rh=dict())
x_dir = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
for hemi in ('lh', 'rh'):
for surf in ('pial', 'inflated', 'curv'):
for img in ('', '.T1', '.T2', ''):
surf_fname = op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'surf',
if op.isfile(surf_fname):
if surf == 'curv':
surf_data[hemi]['curv'] = np.array(mne.surface.read_curvature(
surf_fname, binary=False) > 0, np.int64)
coords, faces = mne.surface.read_surface(surf_fname)
if surf == 'inflated':
x_ = coords @ x_dir
coords -= np.max(x_) * x_dir if hemi == 'lh' else \
np.min(x_) * x_dir
surface = dict(rr=coords, tris=faces)
surface, copy=False, verbose=False, do_neighbor_tri=False)
surf_data[hemi][surf] = surface['rr'], surface['tris'], surface['nn']
for hemi in ('lh', 'rh'):
surf_data[hemi]['vectors'] = \
surf_data[hemi]['inflated'][0] - surf_data[hemi]['pial'][0]
surf_data[hemi]['normal_vectors'] = \
surf_data[hemi]['inflated'][2] - surf_data[hemi]['pial'][2]
montage_start = raw.get_montage()
ch_pos_start = montage_start.get_positions()['ch_pos']
montage_end = proj_info.get_montage()
ch_pos_end = montage_end.get_positions()['ch_pos']
ch_pos_vectors = dict()
for ch in raw.ch_names:
ch_pos_vectors[ch] = ch_pos_end[ch] - ch_pos_start[ch]
brain = mne.viz.Brain(subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
cortex='low_contrast', alpha=0.5, background='white')
# brain.add_sensors(, trans=trans)
brain.add_annotation('aparc.a2009s', borders=False, alpha=0.5)
sensor_meshes = dict()
sensor_locs = dict()
for ch in raw.ch_names:
loc = ch_pos_start[ch].copy()
sensor_mesh = brain._renderer.sphere(loc * 1000, 'yellow', 3)[1]
sensor_meshes[ch] = sensor_mesh
sensor_locs[ch] = sensor_mesh.points.copy()
images = [brain.screenshot()] * 5
n_steps = 101
for t in np.linspace(0, 1, n_steps):
for hemi in ('lh', 'rh'):
coords, faces, nn = surf_data[hemi]['pial']
coords = coords.copy()
coords += surf_data[hemi]['vectors'] * t
nn = nn.copy()
nn += surf_data[hemi]['normal_vectors'] * t
coords, brain._layered_meshes[hemi]._polydata, render=False)
brain._layered_meshes[hemi]._polydata.point_data.active_normals = nn
brain._layered_meshes[hemi].update_overlay('curv', opacity=0.5 + t / 2)
for ch, sensor_mesh in sensor_meshes.items():
loc = sensor_locs[ch].copy()
loc += ch_pos_vectors[ch] * t * 1000
loc, sensor_mesh, render=False)
for i in range(5):
imageio.mimwrite('inflated.mp4', images, fps=24)
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