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Last active November 20, 2017 19:45
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Encode and decode urls.
* RegExpURL matches URLs containing a query string.
* - [0] full match
* - [1] base url
* - [2] query string
* - [3] hash (without #)
const RegExpURL = /^(.*)\?([^#]*)(?:#(.*))?$/
* RegExpListKey matches a URL key/value pair that uses array syntax (`key[]=value`).
* - [0] full match
* - [1] key
* - [2] index
* - [3] value
const RegExpListKey = /^(.+)\[(\d*)]=(.+)$/
export function Decode(queryString: string) {
let decoded: object = Object.create(null),
matches: string[] | null = null,
k = "",
v = ""
// Test for a full URL. If match, extract query.
if (RegExpURL.test(queryString) && (matches = RegExpURL.exec(queryString)) != null) {
queryString = matches[2]
matches = null
for (const kvPair of queryString.split("&")) {
// Test for list key items (`key[]=value`).
if (RegExpListKey.test(kvPair) && (matches = RegExpListKey.exec(kvPair)) != null) {
k = decodeURIComponent(matches[1])
v = decodeURIComponent(matches[3])
matches = null
if (!Array.isArray(decoded[k])) {
decoded[k] = []
;[k, v] = kvPair.split("=")
if (!k) {
decoded[decodeURIComponent(k)] = decodeURIComponent(v)
return decoded
export function Encode(data: object) {
let encoded = []
for (const k of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data)) {
if (typeof data[k] == "function" || data[k] === undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(data[k])) {
for (const v of data[k]) {
encoded.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + "[]=" + encodeURIComponent(v))
encoded.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[k]))
return encoded.join("&")
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