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Last active March 20, 2017 02:11
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Javascript to animate a countdown. Ideal for a coming soon or event page.
( function ( ) {
'use strict';
function Countdown( endDate, elSelector ) {
if ( endDate instanceof Date ) {
this.countdownDate = endDate.getTime( );
} else {
this.countdownDate = new Date( endDate ).getTime( );
var selector = elSelector || Countdown.DEFAULTS.selector;
this.element = document.querySelector( selector );
this.intervalId = null;
this.countdown = this.countdown.bind( this );
Countdown.SECOND = 1000;
Countdown.MINUTE = 60 * Countdown.SECOND;
Countdown.HOUR = 60 * Countdown.MINUTE;
Countdown.DAY = 24 * Countdown.HOUR;
Countdown.DEFAULTS = {
selector: '#countdown-display',
doneText: "EXPIRED"
Countdown.prototype.countdown = function ( ) {
// Get today's date and time
var now = new Date( ).getTime( );
// Find the distance between now an the count down date in ms
var distance = this.countdownDate - now;
// Time calculations for days, hours, minutes and seconds
var days = Math.floor( distance / Countdown.DAY ) + 'd';
var hours = Math.floor( ( distance % Countdown.DAY ) / Countdown.HOUR ) + 'h';
var minutes = Math.floor( ( distance % Countdown.HOUR ) / Countdown.MINUTE ) + 'm';
var seconds = Math.floor( ( distance % Countdown.MINUTE ) / Countdown.SECOND ) + 's';
// Display the result
this.element.innerHTML = [ days, hours, minutes, seconds ].join( ' ' );
// If the count down is finished, write the done text
if ( distance < 0 ) {
this.stop( );
this.element.innerHTML = Countdown.DEFAULTS.doneText;
return this;
Countdown.prototype.start = function ( ) {
this.intervalId = window.setInterval( this.countdown, Countdown.SECOND );
return this;
Countdown.prototype.stop = function ( ) {
if ( this.intervalId !== null ) {
window.clearInterval( this.intervalId );
return this;
window.Countdown = Countdown;
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