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Last active July 15, 2024 21:23
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Python TimedCache
from time import sleep
from timed_cache import Memoize
def test_memoize():
Test if the cached function results expires in the expected time.
def mem_sum(a, b):
return a + b
mem_sum(1, 1)
mem_sum(1, 2)
memoize = mem_sum.__closure__[1].cell_contents
cache = memoize._cache
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(1, 1)].expired()
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(1, 2)].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(1, 1)].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(1, 2)].expired()
def test_memoize_in_class():
class MemoizeTestingClass:
def run(self, a, b):
return a + b
executor = MemoizeTestingClass(), 1), 2)
memoize =[1].cell_contents
cache = memoize._cache
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, 1)].expired()
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, 2)].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, 1)].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, 2)].expired()
def test_memoize_in_class_with_kwargs():
class MemoizeTestingClass:
def run(self, a, b):
return a + b['value']
executor = MemoizeTestingClass(), b={'value': 1}), b={'value': 2})
memoize =[1].cell_contents
cache = memoize._cache
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, b={'value': 1})].expired()
assert not cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, b={'value': 2})].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, b={'value': 1})].expired()
assert cache[memoize.generate_unique_key(executor, 1, b={'value': 2})].expired()
This is a simple in-memory cache decorator for timed-limited caching.
#TODO: I think some size limitation here would be helpful.
#TODO: One extra optimization is to avoid hashing the key too many times on cache misses:
import collections
import logging
import hashlib
from time import time
from typing import Any
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CacheEntry:
A cache entry that stores its value and the creation timestamp.
ttl: integer, the time-to-live for the entry in seconds.
def __init__(self, value: Any, ttl: int = 20):
self.value = value
self.expires_at = time() + ttl
def expired(self):
"""Return True if the entry is expired, False otherwise."""
return self.expires_at < time()
class Memoize:
A decorator to cache function calls with return values for a limited timespan.
Supported arguments:
* ttl: time to live of each cache entry in seconds
def __init__(self, ttl):
self._cache = dict()
self._ttl = ttl
self._separator = object()
def generate_unique_key(*args, **kwargs):
Generates a unique key based on the hashed values of all of the passed
arguments. This makes a pretty bold assumption that the hash() function
is deterministic, which is (probably) implementation specific.
hashable_args = [arg if isinstance(arg, else tuple(arg) for arg in args]
hashed_args = [f'{hash(arg)}' for arg in hashable_args]
hashable_kwargs = [
(key, value if isinstance(value, else tuple(value)) for key, value in kwargs.items()
hashed_kwargs = [f'{hash(item)}' for item in hashable_args + hashable_kwargs]
# this is md5 hashed again to avoid the key growing too large
return hashlib.md5(':'.join(hashed_args + hashed_kwargs).encode()).hexdigest()
def __call__(self, func):
def memoized_func(*args, **kwargs):
key = self.generate_unique_key(*args, **kwargs)
if key in self._cache:
if not self._cache[key].expired():
logger.debug('Fetching values for (%s, %s) from the cache.', args, kwargs)
return self._cache[key].value
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
self._cache[key] = CacheEntry(result, ttl=self._ttl)
return result
return memoized_func
memoize = Memoize
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