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This code sends a screenshot of the current model to OpenAI's API and asks questions about it.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'base64'
# Ask something about what you see in SketchUp
prompt = "Is there anything wrong with this building?"
# Set the endpoint and API key for the OpenAI API
endpoint = ""
api_key = "<YOUR API KEY>"
# Set up the system message if desired
sys_message = ""
# Save the screenshot and encode the file as base64
dir = File.join( ENV['HOME'], 'Documents' )
file_loc = File.join( dir, "temp.png" )
keys = {
:filename => file_loc,
:width => 1024,
:height => 1024,
:antialias => true,
:scale_factor => 1,
:compression => 0.8,
:transparent => false
img = Sketchup.active_model.active_view.write_image keys
base64_image =, "rb") do |file|
# Set up the HTTP request with the API key and prompt
request = {
# Enter the AI model here
"model" => "gpt-4o",
"messages" => [
{ "role" => "system", "content" => "#{sys_message}" },
{ "role" => "user", "content" => [
{ "type" => "text", "text" => "#{prompt}" },
{ "type" => "image_url", "image_url" =>
{ "url" => "data:image/png;base64,#{base64_image}",
"detail" => "low" }
] }
"max_tokens" => 1024,
"top_p" => 1,
"n" => 1,
"temperature" => 0.1,
"stream" => false
# Show the request in the console
p request
# Execute the request
uri = URI(endpoint)
req =
req["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
req["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{api_key}"
req.body = JSON.dump( request )
# Make the HTTP request to the OpenAI API and parse the response
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
response_body = JSON.parse(res.body)
# Show the response in the console
p response_body
# Get the text response from the API response JSON
response = response_body["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
# Display the text response in a message
UI.messagebox response
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