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Created June 10, 2020 16:31
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Randomize object placement on faces in SketchUp
# Randomize object placement on faces
# Select one component and at least one ungrouped face to start
mod = Sketchup.active_model # Open model
ent = mod.entities # All entities in model
sel = mod.selection # Current selection
num = 20 # Number of items to place on each face
max_rot = 360 # Rotation max. degrees
scale_var = 0.5 # Size variation
# Create a new layer/tag so that we can turn the created copies on/off
# Also add everything to a group to keep inspector manageable
clayer = mod.layers.add('Random Items')
group = mod.entities.add_group
group.layer = clayer
# Get the first component's definition from our selection
comp = sel.grep( Sketchup::ComponentInstance )[0].definition
# Get all the faces in our selection
faces = sel.grep( Sketchup::Face )
# Iterate through all selected, ungrouped faces
faces.each_with_index { |e,i|
# Get bounding box and normal vector for face
bbox = e.bounds
norm = e.normal
# Place copies on each face
num.times {
# Get a random point on the face's plane - based on bounding box
pt =
pt.x = bbox.min.x + rand * bbox.width
pt.y = bbox.min.y + rand * bbox.height
pt.z = bbox.min.z + rand * bbox.depth
plpt = pt.project_to_plane(e.plane)
# Some points will be off the face, ignore those. Otherwise...
if ( e.classify_point(plpt) == Sketchup::Face::PointInside )
# Scale copies randomly
t_sca = Geom::Transformation.scaling plpt, ( 1 - scale_var / 2 + rand * scale_var )
# Use the following if you need to align things normal to face:
t_loc = plpt, norm
t_rot = Geom::Transformation.rotation plpt, norm, (rand * max_rot).degrees
# Use the following if things need to point up:
# t_loc = plpt, [0,0,1]
# t_rot = Geom::Transformation.rotation plpt, [0,0,1] , (rand * max_rot).degrees
# Now place the copy and move it to the new layer
new = group.entities.add_instance comp, (t_rot * t_sca * t_loc)
new.layer = clayer
# Life is always better with some feedback while SketchUp works
Sketchup.status_text = "Adding objects | Done with face #{(i+1).to_s}"
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