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Created August 16, 2016 15:16
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Vagrant Base Boxes
Vagrant Base Boxes
### List of available boxes
| Box Name | Description
|--- |
| general | A general base box PHP5.6, Apache, xDebug, mailcatcher
| craft | Prepared* to use with
### Build a new project
* Run and follow the instructions
The provided shell script "" does everything described below and copies
the files to a directory you choose. For now, there isn't any parameter validation so double-check your inputs.
However, if you feel like you want to install it yourself, follow the steps below.
#### Manual installation
* After you choose your VM, copy `Vagrantfile` and the `vm` folder to your target project git root.
* Configure vagrantfile to match your project name and choose a *unique* project IP
``` "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = ""
config.hostsupdater.aliases = [""]
* If your web root is not in www/ relative from the project root, you must change the synced folder too
`config.vm.synced_folder "www", "/var/www",id: "web-root", type: "nfs"`
* Maintain the list of assigned virtual IPs found here [tbd]
* Modify your Virtual Host (vm/vhost.conf) to match your hostname
* Modify the file and set the xdebug IP to the IP assigned before
`echo 'xdebug.remote_host=; IDE-Environments IP, from vagrant box.' | sudo tee --append /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini`
#### Side notes
*1 The craft box requires downloading and copying the craft cms files BEFORE running `vagrant up`. If you messed it up, type `vagrant destroy`, place the files and again `vagrant up`.
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