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Created April 30, 2024 13:02
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Package Version
------------------------------------ ------------
action-msgs 1.2.1
action-tutorials-interfaces 0.20.3
action-tutorials-py 0.20.3
actionlib-msgs 4.2.3
addict 2.4.0
aliyun-python-sdk-core 2.15.0
aliyun-python-sdk-kms 2.16.2
ament-cmake-test 1.3.7
ament-copyright 0.12.10
ament-cppcheck 0.12.10
ament-cpplint 0.12.10
ament-flake8 0.12.10
ament-index-python 1.4.0
ament-lint 0.12.10
ament-lint-cmake 0.12.10
ament-package 0.14.0
ament-pep257 0.12.10
ament-uncrustify 0.12.10
ament-xmllint 0.12.10
angles 1.15.0
builtin-interfaces 1.2.1
certifi 2022.12.7
cffi 1.16.0
charset-normalizer 2.1.1
click 8.1.7
cmake 3.25.0
colorama 0.4.6
composition-interfaces 1.2.1
contourpy 1.2.1
crcmod 1.7
cryptography 42.0.5
cv-bridge 3.2.1
cycler 0.12.1
demo-nodes-py 0.20.3
diagnostic-msgs 4.2.3
domain-coordinator 0.10.0
example-interfaces 0.9.3
examples-rclpy-executors 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-client 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-service 0.15.1
examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber 0.15.1
filelock 3.9.0
fonttools 4.50.0
geometry-msgs 4.2.3
idna 3.4
image-geometry 3.2.1
imageio 2.34.0
importlib_metadata 7.1.0
interactive-markers 2.3.2
Jinja2 3.1.2
jmespath 0.10.0
kiwisolver 1.4.5
laser-geometry 2.4.0
launch 1.0.4
launch-ros 0.19.7
launch-testing 1.0.4
launch-testing-ros 0.19.7
launch-xml 1.0.4
launch-yaml 1.0.4
lazy_loader 0.3
lifecycle-msgs 1.2.1
lit 15.0.7
logging-demo 0.20.3
map-msgs 2.1.0
Markdown 3.6
markdown-it-py 3.0.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.3
matplotlib 3.8.3
mdurl 0.1.2
message-filters 4.3.3
mmcv 2.0.1
mmengine 0.10.3
model-index 0.1.11
mpmath 1.3.0
nav-msgs 4.2.3
networkx 3.2.1
numpy 1.26.3
opendatalab 0.0.10
openmim 0.3.9
openxlab 0.0.37
ordered-set 4.1.0
osrf-pycommon 2.0.2
oss2 2.17.0
packaging 24.0
pandas 2.2.1
pcl-msgs 1.0.0
pendulum-msgs 0.20.3
pillow 10.2.0
pip 24.0
platformdirs 4.2.0
pycocotools 2.0.7
pycparser 2.22
pycryptodome 3.20.0
Pygments 2.17.2
pyparsing 3.1.2
pyserial 3.5
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-qt-binding 1.1.2
pytz 2023.4
PyYAML 6.0.1
qt-dotgraph 2.2.3
qt-gui 2.2.3
qt-gui-cpp 2.2.3
qt-gui-py-common 2.2.3
quality-of-service-demo-py 0.20.3
rcl-interfaces 1.2.1
rclpy 3.3.11
rcutils 5.1.4
requests 2.28.2
resource-retriever 3.1.1
rich 13.4.2
rmw-dds-common 1.6.0
ros2action 0.18.8
ros2bag 0.15.9
ros2cli 0.18.8
ros2component 0.18.8
ros2doctor 0.18.8
ros2interface 0.18.8
ros2launch 0.19.7
ros2lifecycle 0.18.8
ros2multicast 0.18.8
ros2node 0.18.8
ros2param 0.18.8
ros2pkg 0.18.8
ros2run 0.18.8
ros2service 0.18.8
ros2topic 0.18.8
rosbag2-interfaces 0.15.9
rosbag2-py 0.15.9
rosgraph-msgs 1.2.1
rosidl-adapter 3.1.5
rosidl-cli 3.1.5
rosidl-cmake 3.1.5
rosidl-generator-c 3.1.5
rosidl-generator-cpp 3.1.5
rosidl-generator-py 0.14.4
rosidl-parser 3.1.5
rosidl-runtime-py 0.9.3
rosidl-typesupport-c 2.0.1
rosidl-typesupport-cpp 2.0.1
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-c 2.2.2
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp 2.2.2
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c 3.1.5
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp 3.1.5
rpyutils 0.2.1
rqt-action 2.0.1
rqt-bag 1.1.4
rqt-bag-plugins 1.1.4
rqt-console 2.0.2
rqt-graph 1.3.0
rqt-gui 1.1.6
rqt-gui-py 1.1.6
rqt-msg 1.2.0
rqt-plot 1.1.2
rqt-publisher 1.5.0
rqt-py-common 1.1.6
rqt-py-console 1.0.2
rqt-reconfigure 1.1.2
rqt-service-caller 1.0.5
rqt-shell 1.0.2
rqt-srv 1.0.3
rqt-topic 1.5.0
scikit-image 0.22.0
scipy 1.13.0
sensor-msgs 4.2.3
sensor-msgs-py 4.2.3
setuptools 60.2.0
shape-msgs 4.2.3
shapely 2.0.3
six 1.16.0
sros2 0.10.4
statistics-msgs 1.2.1
std-msgs 4.2.3
std-srvs 4.2.3
stereo-msgs 4.2.3
sympy 1.12
tabulate 0.9.0
teleop-twist-keyboard 2.3.2
termcolor 2.4.0
terminaltables 3.1.10
tf2-geometry-msgs 0.25.5
tf2-kdl 0.25.5
tf2-msgs 0.25.5
tf2-py 0.25.5
tf2-ros-py 0.25.5
tf2-tools 0.25.5
tifffile 2024.2.12
tomli 2.0.1
topic-monitor 0.20.3
torch 2.0.1+cu117
torchaudio 2.0.2+cu117
torchvision 0.15.2+cu117
tqdm 4.65.2
trajectory-msgs 4.2.3
triton 2.0.0
turtlesim 1.4.2
typing_extensions 4.8.0
tzdata 2024.1
unique-identifier-msgs 2.2.1
urllib3 1.26.13
visualization-msgs 4.2.3
wheel 0.42.0
yapf 0.40.2
zipp 3.18.1
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