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Forked from anonymous/router.js
Last active December 24, 2015 17:29
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// For more information see: {
this.resouce('plan', function() {
this.resource('projects', function() {
this.resource('project', {path: ':project_id'})
App.PlanRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Em.RSVP.hash({
setupController: function(controller, context) {
// not setting anything to controller passed in (which will be PlanController)
// this is because there doesn't seem to be a plan model. If there is, add it to the hash
// and set it's model here
this.controllerFor('projects').set('model', context.projects);
this.controllerFor('somethingElses').set('model', context.somethingElses);
App.PlanController = Em.Controller.extend({
needs: ['projects', 'somethingElses']
projectsCount: Em.computed.alias('controllers.projects.length'),
somethingElsesCount: Em.computed.alias('controllers.somethingElses.length'),
App.ProjectsController = Em.ArrayController.extend()
App.SomethingElsesController = Em.ArrayController.extend()
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