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Quick Post Widget
Plugin Name: Quick Post Widget
Description: Adds a Quick Post widget that creates and publishes posts with hashtags converted to tags.
// Add the Quick Post widget to the dashboard
function qpw_add_dashboard_widgets() {
wp_add_dashboard_widget('qpw_widget', 'Quick Post', 'qpw_widget_display');
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'qpw_add_dashboard_widgets');
// Display the widget
function qpw_widget_display() {
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea name="qpw_content" rows="5" style="width:100%; white-space: pre-wrap;"></textarea>
<input type="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Submit">
<?php wp_nonce_field('qpw_nonce_action', 'qpw_nonce_field'); ?>
// Handle form submission
function qpw_handle_form_submission() {
if (isset($_POST['qpw_content']) && check_admin_referer('qpw_nonce_action', 'qpw_nonce_field')) {
$content = sanitize_textarea_field($_POST['qpw_content']);
// Extract hashtags and remove them from the content
preg_match_all('/#(\w+)/', $content, $matches);
$tags = array_map('qpw_process_hashtag', $matches[1]);
$content = preg_replace('/#(\w+)/', '', $content);
$content = trim($content);
// Create the post
$post_id = wp_insert_post(array(
'post_title' => wp_trim_words(strip_tags($content), 10),
'post_content' => qpw_convert_to_paragraph_blocks($content),
'post_status' => 'publish'
// Set the tags for the post
wp_set_post_tags($post_id, $tags);
// Set the post format to 'aside'
set_post_format($post_id, 'aside');
// Redirect to the new post
wp_redirect('' . $post_id);
add_action('admin_init', 'qpw_handle_form_submission');
// Convert content to paragraph blocks
function qpw_convert_to_paragraph_blocks($content) {
$lines = explode("\n", $content);
$blocks = array_map(function($line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (!empty($line)) {
return "<!-- wp:paragraph --><p>{$line}</p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->";
return '';
}, $lines);
return implode("\n\n", array_filter($blocks));
// Process hashtags to find or create appropriate tags
function qpw_process_hashtag($hashtag) {
// Check for the exact match
if ($term = get_term_by('name', $hashtag, 'post_tag')) {
return $term->name;
// Convert camelCase to normal case (e.g., WordPress)
$normal_case = preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1 $2', $hashtag);
if ($term = get_term_by('name', $normal_case, 'post_tag')) {
return $term->name;
// Convert to kebab-case (e.g., wordpress)
$kebab_case = sanitize_title_with_dashes($hashtag);
if ($term = get_term_by('slug', $kebab_case, 'post_tag')) {
return $term->name;
// If no existing tag is found, create a new one
$new_tag = wp_insert_term($normal_case, 'post_tag', array('slug' => $kebab_case));
return get_term_by('id', $new_tag['term_id'], 'post_tag')->name;
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