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Created September 3, 2014 17:43
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df <- read.csv('~/Work/dkupor/hover/data.csv',header = F,stringsAsFactors=F)
sumdf <- data.frame(rownum=numeric(),
cheadernames <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")
rheadernames <- as.character(1:8)
cellnames <- c()
for (ch in cheadernames) {
for (rh in rheadernames) {
cellnames <- c(cellnames,paste(ch,rh,sep=''))
rownum = 0
nrows = dim(df)[1]
for (i in 1:nrows) {
row = df[i,]
# each row is a new participant
rownum = rownum+1
sumdf[rownum,"rownum"] <- rownum
chtimes = 0
chnumber = 0
rhtimes = 0
rhnumber = 0
celltimes = 0
cellnumber = 0
switchlateral = 0
switchvertical = 0
for (obs in strsplit(row,',')) {
lastrow = "-1"
lastcol = "-1"
for (o in obs) {
obsval = strsplit(o,':')
obstime = as.numeric(obsval[[1]][2])
obscell = obsval[[1]][1]
if (obscell=="undefined") {
thiscol = ""
thisrow = ""
} else {
thiscol = substring(obscell,1,1)
thisrow = substring(obscell,2,2)
if (thisrow=="") {
if (thiscol %in% toupper(letters)) {
} else {
thisrow = thiscol
thiscol = ""
if(obstime > 150 & ! {
if (obscell %in% cheadernames) {
chtimes = chtimes+obstime
chnumber = chnumber+1
if (obscell %in% rheadernames) {
rhtimes = rhtimes+obstime
rhnumber = rhnumber+1
if (obscell %in% cellnames) {
celltimes = celltimes+obstime
cellnumber = cellnumber+1
if (lastrow == thisrow) {
switchlateral = switchlateral + 1
if (lastcol == thiscol) {
switchvertical = switchvertical + 1
lastcell = obscell
lastcol = thiscol
lastrow = thisrow
sumdf[rownum,"colheadtimes"] = chtimes
sumdf[rownum,"colheadnumber"] = chnumber
sumdf[rownum,"rowheadtimes"] = rhtimes
sumdf[rownum,"rowheadnumber"] = rhnumber
sumdf[rownum,"celltimes"] = celltimes
sumdf[rownum,"cellnumber"] = cellnumber
sumdf[rownum,"switchlateral"] = switchlateral
sumdf[rownum,"switchvertical"] = switchvertical
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