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Last active February 18, 2021 15:45
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Week 3 Journal Reflections

Mod 2 Week 3: Job Search Strategies

Answer the below questions in a separate gist and link them into your career journal using this template:

  1. Assess your habits from week 2: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?

I spent a lot of time this week working on our first paired project for Mod 2. I was effective in taking more breaks, and not working for long periods of time. I could do a better job of scheduling out my time, so I spend more time working on JS Fun, and pre-learning lesson. Currently I have prioritized my project work over everything else and that needs to change for me to successful in mod 2. I also did a better job this week of dedicating a time to exercise, and sticking to that time I had slotted for exercise, even when I had so much work to do.

  1. Reflect on how you’ve spent your time so far at Turing to gauge your engagement and energy:

When have you been excited, focused, and enjoyed your work?

I get excited when working on DOM manipulation, and JavaScript code writing in particular. I enjoy writing implementation code to pass a test. I also get excited and really enjoy what I am doing when given a new problem to try and solve; problem solving.

When have you felt bored, restless, or unhappy?

I feel slightly unhappy when working on CSS and I can't get my page layput to respond the way I want it to. Also when I don't understand a lesson I become frustrated.

When do you feel energized in your work?

I feel energized when a new problem needs to be solved. Also I have the most energy and focus in the mornings. Working on a problem and finally solving it energies me as well. I also enjoy being able to share and work through a problem with a teammate.

When is your energy drained?

My energy is drained ususally at the end of the week, when I've spent so much time in front of my computer and learning new concepts. I also feel drained and frustrated when I cannot solve a problem on my own, and have been stuck.

  1. Setting up habits and routines to make time for the job search this module:
  • Block out time on your calendar this week to work on your job search. When will you make this happen? How will you hold yourself accountable to this? What activities will you focus on during this time this week? What outcomes do you hope to reach by the end of this week because of these activities?

I will try and dedicate 1-2 hours a week for searching for a job. I want to schedule an hour sometime during the week and an hour on the weekends for focusing on the job search. I will hold myself accountable by checking in with my accountablibuddy every week and reviewing how the job search went the following week.

  1. Applying wayfinding to using job search resources
  • Go through the resources listed here and explore 2-3 tools. List what you looked at here:
  1. BuiltIn, and searching for jobs on google with the location and the keyword 'BuiltIn'
  2. KeyValues - specifically jobs that are good for new/junior developers.
  • Apply wayfinding: of what you looked at, what did you discover that aligns with your vision? If it didn't align with your vision, what will you try next? Decide what tools to bookmark to explore later.

There are lots of job postings that align with my values, and I was surprised by that. Particularly lots of companies in GreenTech that are looking for FrontEnd Software Developers. Most of the GreenTech jobs that I found through 'BuiltIn' are looking for team players, and really emphasize a collaborative learning environment .

  • Find a job posting that aligns with your vision. What's the posting? How does it align with what you're looking for? Add it to your Huntr.

job posting This is a job posting about a Front End Software Engineer, that is based in GreenTech. Many of thier values/people they are looking for align with my values, particularly this line "We celebrate diversity, encourage Innovation, work collaboratively, and practice transparency".

  • What next steps will you take to explore that opportunity and find contacts? Add that information to your Huntr card. I'll do more research into the company, and check out their 'LinkedIn' page and see if their are any Turing alumns who work their, or if I have any mutual connections.
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