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Created November 29, 2011 01:18
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A trivial implementation of Bayesian optimization
# coding: utf-8
# An attempt at implementing Bayesian optimization according to
# Brochu, Cora, and de Freitas' tutorial
from sklearn import gaussian_process
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize, scipy.stats as st
def ucb_acq(sigma):
"""The upper-confidence-bound acquisition function with parameter sigma.
To avoid over-exploration all the way off to infinity (where the
variance is huge) I truncate the confidence term.
def acq(gp, best_y):
def ev(x):
y, ms = gp.predict([x], eval_MSE=True)
return -(y[0] + sigma*max(np.abs(y[0]), np.sqrt(ms[0])))
return ev
return acq
def expected_improvement(gp, best_y):
"""The expected improvement acquisition function.
The equation is explained in Eq (3) of the tutorial"""
def ev(x):
y, ms = gp.predict([x], eval_MSE=True)
Z = (y[0] - best_y)/np.sqrt(ms[0])
return -((y[0]-best_y)*st.norm.cdf(Z) + np.sqrt(ms[0])*st.norm.pdf(Z))
return ev
def bayesopt(f, initial_x, acquisition, niter=100, debug=False):
"""The actual bayesian optimization function.
f is the very expensive function we want to optimize.
initial_x is a matrix of at least two data points (preferrably
more, randomly sampled).
acquisition is the acquisiton function we want to use to find
query points.
Note that doing simulated annealing as done here is a very bad
idea, as we should be very careful about the domain."""
X = initial_x
y = [f(x) for x in initial_x]
best_x = initial_x[np.argmax(y)]
best_f = y[np.argmax(y)]
print y
gp = gaussian_process.GaussianProcess()
for i in xrange(niter):, np.array(y))
new_x = scipy.optimize.anneal(acquisition(gp, best_f), best_x)[0]
new_f = f(new_x)
if new_f > best_f:
best_f = new_f
best_x = new_x
if debug:
print "iter", i, "best_x", best_x, best_f
return best_x, best_f
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Running a completely silly example."
def func(x):
x = x[0] - 2.0
return 20.0 - min(100.0, (x*x + np.abs(x)*np.sin(x)))
print "With UCB:"
X = [[-5.0, -1.0], [-12.0, 10.0]]
bayesopt(func, X[:], ucb_acq(0.1), niter=10, debug=True)
print "With EI:"
bayesopt(func, X[:], expected_improvement, niter=10, debug=True)
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