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Created March 15, 2021 15:09
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Ontario Parks Availability
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
from typing import Union
import csv
from uuid import uuid4
import requests
import arrow
target = 'Aug 15 2021'
days = 7
start = arrow.get(target, 'MMM DD YYYY')
end = start.shift(days=days)
def timecode(time: arrow.Arrow, date_only=True):
if date_only:
return f'{time.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}T00:00:00.000Z'
return time.format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")
def fetch_map_id(map_id):
url = ''
payload = {
"mapId": map_id,
"cartUid": str(uuid4()),
"bookingUid": str(uuid4()),
"cartTransactionUid": str(uuid4()),
"bookingCategoryId": 0,
"startDate": f'{start.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}T00:00:00.000Z',
"endDate": f'{end.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}T00:00:00.000Z',
"isReserving": True,
"getDailyAvailability": False,
"partySize": 4,
"filterData": "[]",
"equipmentCategoryId": -32768,
"subEquipmentCategoryId": -32768,
"boatLength": None,
"boatDraft": None,
"boatWidth": None,
"generateBreadcrumbs": False,
"resourceAccessPointId": None
current_time = arrow.utcnow().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")
res =
data = res.json()
return data
availability_map = {
6:"No Availability For Selected Booking Category",
7:"Partially Available",
def get_info(map_id, names = None):
"fetch a map by map_id, recursively fetch every mapped linked to by that map, and availability counts for every campsite linked to in any of those maps"
data = fetch_map_id(map_id)
res = {}
sub_sections = data.get('mapLinkLocalizedValues')
sites = data.get('resourceAvailabilityMap')
if sub_sections:
for sub_id in sub_sections:
name = sub_sections[sub_id][0]['title']
if names:
new_names = names + [name]
new_names = [name]
res[name] = get_info(sub_id, new_names)
elif sites:
total = len(sites)
avail = 0
partial = 0
for site in sites.values():
if site and site[0]['availability'] == 0:
avail += 1
if site and site[0]['availability'] == 7:
partial += 1
print('fetched', ' > '.join(names))
return (avail, partial, total)
raise Exception("How did we get here?")
return res
def get_count(sub: Union[dict, tuple]):
if isinstance(sub, tuple):
return sub
avail, partial, total = 0,0,0
for k, v in sub.items():
subavail, subpartial, subtotal = get_count(v)
avail += subavail
partial += subpartial
total += subtotal
return avail, partial, total
def get_pairs(regions_: dict):
for region_name, region in regions_.items():
for park_name, park in region.items():
avail, partial, total = get_count(park)
yield f'{region_name} > {park_name}', avail, partial, total
def summary(regions_: dict):
avail_symbol = '#'
partial_symbol = '-'
unavail_symbol = ' '
print(f'Legend: "{avail_symbol}" = Available, "{partial_symbol}" = Partially available, "{unavail_symbol}" = Unavailable')
for name, avail, partial, total in get_pairs(regions_):
avail_per = avail / total
bar_length = 50
avail_per = avail / total
partial_per = partial / total
bar = int(avail_per*bar_length)*avail_symbol
bar += int(partial_per*bar_length)*partial_symbol
bar = bar.ljust(bar_length, unavail_symbol)
print(f'[{bar}] {name}: Available: {avail}/{total}, Partially Available: {partial}/{total}')
def write_csv(regions_):
with Path('res.csv').open('w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['Park Name', 'Available Campsites', 'Partially Available Campsites', 'Total Campsites'])
for row in get_pairs(regions_):
print("Results written to res.csv")
regions = get_info(-2147483464)
#regions = pickle.loads(Path('res.pkl').read_bytes())
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