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Created April 12, 2021 16:46
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NeoFS N3 oracle example
package oracleexample
import (
// NeoFS URI of object with JSON encoded database of items.
const database = "neofs:6pJtLUnGqDxE2EitZYLsDzsfTDVegD6BrRUn8QAFZWyt/5pHkykmTC6vBpx19y5r26YUBqrEx8J5wVAntCU42bFYQ"
type CallbackDetails struct {
id int
username string
func _deploy(_ interface{}, isUpdate bool) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
storage.Put(ctx, "Marie", 4000) // 4000 coins for Marie
func Balance(username string) int {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return storage.Get(ctx, username).(int)
func Purchase(id int, user string) {
url := database
idString := std.Itoa(id, 10)
// JSONPath filter to find price value in item with specified ID, e.g.:
// $..item[?(].price
filter := []byte("$..item[?(" + idString + ")].price")
details := CallbackDetails{
id: id,
username: user,
// Make oracle request. Add extra GAS to process deserialization and storage
// update in callback.
oracle.Request(url, filter, "oracleCallback", std.Serialize(details), oracle.MinimumResponseGas*2)
func OracleCallback(url string, data interface{}, code int, res []byte) {
if string(runtime.GetCallingScriptHash()) != oracle.Hash {
panic("not called from oracle contract")
if code != oracle.Success {
panic("request failed for " + url + " with code " + std.Itoa(code, 10))
// Decode invocation details to get username and current balance.
details := std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(CallbackDetails)
currentBalance := Balance(details.username)
// Convert oracle response `[N]` to `N`.
stringPrice := string(res[1:len(res)-1])
price := std.Atoi(stringPrice, 10)
// Check if there are enough assets to make "purchase".
if currentBalance < price {
panic("not enough assets")
// Make purchase by updating user's balance.
ctx := storage.GetContext()
storage.Put(ctx, details.username, currentBalance-price)
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