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Created July 10, 2020 22:50
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Generate KQL with PowerShell
function New-KQPSModuleFunctions
New-KQPSModulecmdlets creates kusto query to search for PowerShell commands
included in the specified PowerShell module name
The name of the PowerShell module
The path to the PowerShell module psd file
The path where the generated kql query is saved
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ImportPsd C:\temp\powersploit.psd1
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the Powersploit
module and saves the query to the clipboard
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ImportPsd C:\temp\powersploit.psd1 -Path C:\Temp
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the powersploit
module and saves the query to c:\temp\ps_powersploit.kql
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ModuleName netsecurity
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the netsecurity
module and saves the query to the clipboard
New-KQPSModuleFunctions -ModuleName netsecurity -Path c:\temp
This command creates a kql query including all functions included in the netsecurity
module and saves the query to c:\temp\ps_netsecurity.kql
Author: Alex Verboon
Date: 11.07.2020
Version 1.0
# PowerShell Module
# The path to the PowerShell module psd1 file
# The path where the kql query is saved
If ($ImportPsd){
$psdcontent = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $ImportPsd
$PsCmds = ($psdcontent.FunctionsToExport) -join '","'
$ModuleVersion = $psdcontent.ModuleVersion
$ModuleName = (Split-Path $ImportPsd -Leaf).Split(".")[0]
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleName)){
Write-Error "Specified Module $ModuleName not found"
$PsCmds = (get-command -Module "$ModuleName").Name -join '","'
$ModuleInfo = Get-Module -Name "$ModuleName"
$ModuleVersion = $ModuleInfo.Version
$let = 'let pscommands = dynamic ([' + '"' + $PsCmds + '"' + ']);'
$kqlquery = @"
// Search for PowerShell commands included in the PowerShell module: $ModuleName Version:$ModuleVersion)
| where ActionType contains "PowerShellCommand"
| where AdditionalFields has_any (pscommands)
If (Test-Path $Path){
Write-Output "Saving KQL query to $path\kql_$ModuleName.kql"
Set-Content -Path "$path\ps_$ModuleName.kql" -Value $kqlquery -Force
Write-Output "KQL query saved to clipboard"
$kqlquery | clip
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