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Created March 17, 2020 17:41
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function Get-AzMFADeploymentStats
Get-AzMFADeploymentStats retrieves the MFA registration information from all users in the
Tenant and summarizes the results by MFA Authentication mode.
v1.0, 17.03.2020, Alex Verboon, initial version
If (Test-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Get-AzMFAStatus.ps1" -PathType Leaf)
. "$PSScriptRoot\Get-AzMFAStatus.ps1"
Write-Error "Script: $PSScriptRoot\Get-AzMFAStatus.ps1 not found"
# you find me on github
Write-verbose "Retrieve all users from the tenant includig their MFA registration information"
$AllUsers = Get-AzMFAStatus -Verbose
$MFARegisteredUsers = $AllUsers | Where-Object {$_.OneWaySMSIsDefault -like 'True' -or $_.PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault -like "True" -or $_.PhoneAppOTPIsDefault -like "True" -or $_.TwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault -like 'True' -or $_.authemail -notlike "" -or $_.AuthPoneNumber -notlike "" -or $_.AuthAltPhone -notlike ""}
Write-Verbose "Users with SMS As Default"
$Total_OneWaySMSIsDefault = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.OneWaySMS -like 'True'-and $_.OneWaySMSIsDefault -like 'True'}
write-verbose "PhoneAppNotification As Default"
$Total_PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.PhoneAppNotification -like 'True' -and $_.PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault -like 'True'}
Write-verbose "PhoneAppOTP As Default"
$Total_PhoneAppOTPIsDefault = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.PhoneAppOTP -like 'True' -and $_.PhoneAppOTPIsDefault -like 'True'}
Write-Verbose "TwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault As Default"
$Total_TwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.TwoWayVoiceMobile -like 'True' -and $_.TwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault -like 'True'}
#write-verbose "Other methods such as auth email, phone number or alternate number"
#$mailphone = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.authemail -notlike "" -or $_.AuthPoneNumber -notlike "" -or $_.AuthAltPhone -notlike ""}
#$TotaleMail_PhoneOnly = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.authemail -notlike "" -or $_.AuthPoneNumber -notlike "" -or $_.AuthAltPhone -notlike "" -and $_.OneWaySMSIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppOTPIsDefault -like 'False'}
Write-Verbose "Email registratoin only"
$TotaleMailOnly = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.authemail -notlike "" -and $_.AuthPoneNumber -like "" -and $_.AuthAltPhone -like "" -and $_.OneWaySMSIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppOTPIsDefault -like 'False'}
Write-Verbose "Phone registratoin only"
$TotalPhoneOnly = $MFARegisteredUsers | Where-Object {$_.authemail -like "" -and $_.AuthPoneNumber -notlike "" -and $_.AuthAltPhone -notlike "" -and $_.OneWaySMSIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault -like 'False' -and $_.PhoneAppOTPIsDefault -like 'False'}
$object = [PScustomObject][ordered]@{
TotalUsersInTenant = $AllUsers.Count
TotalUsersMFARegistered = $MFARegisteredUsers.count
TotalUsersNotMFARegistered = $AllUsers.Count - $MFARegisteredUsers.count
TotalOneWaySMSIsDefault = $Total_OneWaySMSIsDefault.count
TotalPhoneAppNotificationIsDefault = $Total_PhoneAppNotificationIsDefault.count
TotalPhoneAppOTPIsDefault = $Total_PhoneAppOTPIsDefault.count
TotalTwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault = $Total_TwoWayVoiceMobileIsDefault.count
TotaleMailOnly = $TotaleMailOnly.count
TotalPhoneOnly = $TotalPhoneOnly.count
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