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Last active February 9, 2018 14:06
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Python argparse with either a template or options
#! /usr/bin/env python
If template file "template.conf" contains:
["--foo", "sausage", "--bar", "egg"]
$ python ./ template template.conf
Will be equivalent to calling:
$ python ./ options --foo sausage --bar egg
And the initial option we attach to the parser needs to appear before the command:
$ python -v ./ template template.conf
import argparse
import json
def arguments_from_template(arguments, parser):
if 'template_fn' in arguments:
if arguments.verbose:
print('Arguments with template action:')
ind_args = []
with open(arguments.template_fn) as f:
template_dict = json.load(f)
for key, value in template_dict.items():
if value:
ind_args.extend(['--' + key, str(value)])
ind_args.extend(['--' + key])
ind_args.insert(0, "options")
orig_args = arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args(ind_args)
if arguments.verbose:
print('Arguments with options action:')
return arguments
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Template parser example')
# Add an argument that works for all parsers
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Do we print the results we obtain after running the commands?')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands')
# Add a subparser for the template action
subparse_template = subparsers.add_parser('template', help='Use a template')
subparse_template.add_argument('template_fn', help='Template to use')
# Add a subparser for the individual option action
subparse_args = subparsers.add_parser('options', help='Use arguments')
subparse_args.add_argument('-f', '--foo', required=True, type=str,
help='Foo value')
subparse_args.add_argument('-b', '--bar', required=True, type=str,
help='Bar value')
arguments = parser.parse_args()
# If we are using the template command...
arguments = arguments_from_template(arguments, parser)
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