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Last active November 9, 2015 03:26
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Save alexweissman/04eebe93706d3c64d89b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom hash transformations for tablesorter.js
sort2Hash_encodeHash : function( config, tableId, component, value, rawValue ) {
var wo = config.widgetOptions;
if ( component === 'filter' ) {
// rawValue is an array of filter values, numerically indexed
var encodedFilters = "";
var len = rawValue.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
if (rawValue[index]) {
var columnName = $(config.$headerIndexed[ index ][0]).attr(wo.sort2Hash_headerTextAttr);
encodedFilters += '&filter[' + tableId + '][' + columnName + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(rawValue[index]);
return encodedFilters;
} else if ( component === 'sort' ) {
// rawValue is an array of sort pairs [columnNum, sortDirection]
var encodedFilters = "";
var len = rawValue.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
var columnNum = rawValue[index][0];
var sortDirection = rawValue[index][1];
var columnName = $(config.$headerIndexed[columnNum][0]).attr(wo.sort2Hash_headerTextAttr);
encodedFilters += '&sort[' + tableId + '][' + columnName + ']=' + wo.sort2Hash_directionText[sortDirection];
return encodedFilters;
return false;
sort2Hash_decodeHash : function( config, tableId, component ) {
var wo = config.widgetOptions;
var result;
// Convert hash into JSON object
var urlObject = $.String.deparam(window.location.hash);
delete urlObject[wo.sort2Hash_hash]; // Remove hash character
if ( component === 'filter' ) {
var decodedFilters = [];
// Extract filter names and values for the specified table
var filters = urlObject['filter'] ? urlObject['filter'] : [];
if (filters[tableId]) {
var filters = filters[tableId];
// Build a numerically indexed array of filter values
var len = config.$headerIndexed.length;
for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
var column_name = $(config.$headerIndexed[ index ][0]).attr(wo.sort2Hash_headerTextAttr);
if (filters[column_name]) {
} else {
// Convert array of filter values to a delimited string
result = decodedFilters.join(wo.sort2Hash_separator);
// make sure to use decodeURIComponent on the result
return decodeURIComponent( result );
} else {
return '';
return false;
sort2Hash_cleanHash : function( config, tableId, component, hash ) {
var wo = config.widgetOptions;
// Convert hash to JSON object
var urlObject = $.String.deparam(hash);
delete urlObject[wo.sort2Hash_hash]; // Remove hash character
// Remove specified component for specified table
if (urlObject[component]) {
if (urlObject[component][tableId]) {
delete urlObject[component][tableId];
// Delete entire component if no other tables remaining
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(urlObject[component])) {
delete urlObject[component];
// Convert modified JSON object back into serialized representation
result = jQuery.param(urlObject);
return result.length ? result : '';
* @add jQuery.String
$.String = $.extend($.String || {}, {
* @function deparam
* Takes a string of name value pairs and returns a Object literal that represents those params.
* @param {String} params a string like <code>"foo=bar&person[age]=3"</code>
* @return {Object} A JavaScript Object that represents the params:
* {
* foo: "bar",
* person: {
* age: "3"
* }
* }
deparam: function(params){
var digitTest = /^\d+$/,
keyBreaker = /([^\[\]]+)|(\[\])/g,
plus = /\+/g,
paramTest = /([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/;
if(! params || ! paramTest.test(params) ) {
return {};
var data = {},
pairs = params.split('&'),
for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; i++){
current = data;
var pair = pairs[i].split('=');
// if we find foo=1+1=2
if(pair.length != 2) {
pair = [pair[0], pair.slice(1).join("=")]
var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0].replace(plus, " ")),
value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(plus, " ")),
parts = key.match(keyBreaker);
for ( var j = 0; j < parts.length - 1; j++ ) {
var part = parts[j];
if (!current[part] ) {
// if what we are pointing to looks like an array
current[part] = digitTest.test(parts[j+1]) || parts[j+1] == "[]" ? [] : {}
current = current[part];
lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];
if(lastPart == "[]"){
current[lastPart] = value;
return data;
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