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Last active April 10, 2024 11:45
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Flickypedia bot help question
import json
import httpx
import keyring
# 1. Retrieve the Wikimedia API token from the system keychain
api_token = keyring.get_password("flickypedia_backfillr_bot", "api_token")
# 2. Create an HTTP client
client = httpx.Client(
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}",
"User-Agent": "FlickypediaBackfillrBot <>",
# 3. Fetch a CSRF token
csrf_resp = client.get(
params={"action": "query", "meta": "tokens", "type": "csrf", "format": "json"},
csrf_token = csrf_resp.json()["query"]["tokens"]["csrftoken"]
# 4. Send an edit request to send to the Commons API.
data = {
"action": "wbeditentity",
"bot": "1",
"data": json.dumps(
"claims": [
# Add the Flickr Photo ID property (P12120)
"mainsnak": {
"datavalue": {"value": "46181673152", "type": "string"},
"property": "P12120",
"snaktype": "value",
"type": "statement",
"format": "json",
"maxlag": "2",
"site": "commonswiki",
"summary": "Bot adding [[Commons:Structured data|SDC]] based on metadata from Flickr",
"tags": "BotSDC",
"title": 'File:"Be Not Afraid of Going Slowly, Be Afraid of Standing Still" (46181673152).jpg',
"token": csrf_token,
edit_resp ="", data=data)
<Response [200 OK]>
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alexwlchan commented Apr 10, 2024

Here's what the edit looks like in the global list of recent edits, notice the lack of b:

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 12 43 52

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