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Created August 30, 2016 20:33
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Helper functions for dealing with query strings in URLs
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Utility functions for dealing with URL query strings in Python,
i.e., URLs of the form
This module includes a pair of helper functions: one for getting the values
associated with a particular field; another for setting the query string
values within a URL.
try: # Python 3+
from urllib.parse import (
parse_qs, parse_qsl, urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import parse_qs, parse_qsl, urlparse, urlunparse
def get_query_field(url, field):
Given a URL, return a list of values for the given ``field`` in the
URL's query string.
>>> get_query_field('', field='foo')
>>> get_query_field('', field='foo')
>>> get_query_field('', field='foo')
['bar', 'baz']
return parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)[field]
except KeyError:
return []
def set_query_field(url, field, value, replace=False):
Given a URL and a new field/value pair, add the new field/value to
the URL's query string. If ``replace`` is True, replace any existing
instances of this field. e.g.
>>> set_query_field('', field='hello', value='world')
>>> set_query_field('', 'hello', 'alex')
>>> set_query_field('',
field='hello', value='alex', replace=True)
>>> set_query_field('',
field='hello', value='alex', replace=True)
# Parse out the different parts of the URL.
components = urlparse(url)
query_pairs = parse_qsl(urlparse(url).query)
if replace:
query_pairs = [(f, v) for (f, v) in query_pairs if f != field]
query_pairs.append((field, value))
new_query_str = urlencode(query_pairs)
# Finally, construct the new URL
new_components = (
return urlunparse(new_components)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for my utility functions for dealing with URL query strings.
import string
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import text
import pytest
from myurlparse import get_query_field, set_query_field
'url,field,expected', [
('', 'foo', []),
('', 'foo', ['bar']),
('', 'foo', ['bar', 'baz'])
def test_simple_examples_of_query_get(url, field, expected):
Test some simple examples with get_query_field().
assert get_query_field(url, field) == expected
'url,field,value,expected', [
('', 'hello', 'world', ''),
('', 'hello', 'alex', '')
def test_simple_examples_of_query_set(url, field, value, expected):
Test some simple examples with set_query_field() and replace=False.
assert set_query_field(url, field, value, replace=False) == expected
def test_replacing_url_component():
Test changing an query string with an existing field with replace=True.
url = ''
expected = ''
assert set_query_field(url, 'hello', 'alex', replace=True) == expected
def test_a_url_with_no_query_string_always_has_empty_values(field):
If a URL doesn't have a query string, then retrieving field values
always yields an empty list.
url = ''
assert get_query_field(url, field) == []
text(min_size=1, alphabet=string.ascii_letters),
text(min_size=1, alphabet=string.ascii_letters)
def test_adding_a_field_is_included_in_the_string(field, value):
If we add a (field, value) pair to a URL, then they are both present
in the final URL.
url = set_query_field('', field, value)
assert field in url
assert value in url
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