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Last active May 28, 2019 18:48
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import React from 'react';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { View, TextInput, Image, Text } from 'react-native';
import toJSON from 'enzyme-to-json';
import { MockedProvider } from 'react-apollo/test-utils';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import wait from 'waait';
import { GET_RECIPIES_QUERY } from '../src/graphql/queries';
import RecipeListScreen, {RecipeListScreenWithoutHocs} from '../src/screens/RecipeListScreen';
import console = require('console');
fakeRecipeList = () => {
return [
"recipeId": 2,
"recipeName": "Keto mexican scrambled eggs",
"description": "Spice up your breakfast with this flavorful keto egg dish. Jalapenos, tomatoes, and scallions enhance the scrambled eggs with just the right amount of zing. Guaranteed to liven up your day!",
"carbs": 2,
"preparationTimeMin": 300,
"preparationTimeMax": 600,
"difficulty": 2,
"mainImageEntry": "ketoMexicanEggs",
"foodType": "breakfast"
"recipeId": 3,
"recipeName": "Classic bacon and eggs",
"description": "One of the all-time best keto breakfasts ever! Step up your bacon and eggs game with this mouth-watering version. Gauge your hunger meter and enjoy as many eggs as you need to feel satisfied. We’re drooling just thinking about this dish of keto deliciousness!",
"carbs": 1,
"preparationTimeMin": 450,
"preparationTimeMax": 600,
"difficulty": 2,
"mainImageEntry": "classicBaconAndEggs",
"foodType": "breakfast"
jest.mock("react-navigation", () => {
return {
withNavigation: (component) => component
jest.mock("react-redux", () => {
return {
connect: (component) => component,
Provider: (component) => component
const mocks = [
request: {
result: {
data: {
getRecipes: fakeRecipeList(),
it('renders correctly', async () => {;
const screen = renderer.create(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
<RecipeListScreenWithoutHocs searchFilter="asdad"/>
await wait(0);
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