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Created October 23, 2009 14:21
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Scenario Outline: searching
Given I am logged in as a stuff
And the following losses records:
| firstname | lastname | lost_at | bus_type | description | closed_at |
| Luke | Skywalker | 2009-01-23 | Nightrider | lightsaber | |
And the following findings:
| found_at | found_by | bus_type | description | picked_up_by | picked_up_at | loss_id |
| 2008-12-24 | Daniel | Nightrider | walkie-talkie | | | |
| 2009-05-24 | Joel | Flibco | silver ring with Diamond | Francois | 2009-02-03 | 1 |
And I am on the findings page
When I fill in "<field>" with "<search-keyword>"
And I press "search_submit"
Then I should see "<search-found>"
But I should not see "<search-missing>"
| field | search-keyword | search-found | search-missing |
| Description | ring | silver ring with Diamond | walkie-talkie |
| Bus type | Nightrider | walkie-talkie | ring |
| Found by | Daniel | walkie-talkie | ring |
| Found at | 2009-05-24 | silver ring with Diamond | walkie-talkie |
| ID | 2 | silver ring with Diamond | walkie-talkie |
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