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Created January 11, 2020 03:10
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private widgetObservable = (id: number): Observable<PurchaseWidgetModel> =>
switchMap(key => from(this.contractToken.getContractByKey(key)).pipe(
map(address => {
const widget: PurchaseWidgetModel = {
productKey: utils.parseBytes32String(key as ethers.utils.Arrayish),
contractAddress: address as string
return widget;
public getPurchaseContractList(): Observable<PurchaseWidgetModel[]> {
return from(this.contractToken.getContractCount()).pipe(
map((bigNumber: ethers.utils.BigNumber) => bigNumber.toNumber()),
tap((contractCount: number) => console.log('contractCount: ', contractCount)),
switchMap((contractCount: number) => {
if (contractCount === 0) {
return of([]);
} else {
// we get array [0,1,....contractCount-1]
const countArr: number[] = Array.from(Array(contractCount)).map((e, i) => i);
const source = of(countArr);
return source.pipe(
mergeMap(ids => forkJoin(
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