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Created January 10, 2018 21:57
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Web Development Capstone UI/UX checklists

Capstone UI/UX Checklist II: Design

The majority of today’s users – and most certainly hiring managers – have a set of expectations for the look and feel of an app. These expectations come from daily use of software designed and built by professionals, who follow a set of standards that we can mimic. To make sure the quality of your dev work doesn’t get overlooked at first glance, it’s crucial for us to avoid design choices that deviate too much from common industry standards. Before submitting your project, quickly go through this design checklist with your mentor to avoid common mistakes and to implement simple best practices in UI/UX design.

Part I: In this capstone, I am (my student is) not...

  • Leaving the fonts and styles completely untouched from default (text, forms, links).
  • Placing UI elements or content up against other elements or the edge of the window.
  • Overusing neon or overly bright, glaring colors for blocks of text or large backgrounds.
  • Using font sizes or color combinations that make text hard to read (e.g. pale font on a light background - always consider contrast readability).
  • Overusing fonts from the handwriting or display categories from Google Fonts.
  • Overusing jQuery animation or CSS transition effects that can become sluggish (note that not all users are on high-end devices that can execute these effects smoothly).
  • Overusing images, specifically ones that haven’t been optimized for the web (compress jpeg and png images online).
  • Using a CSS framework (e.g. Bootstrap, Materialize) if previously used on another capstone (CSS frameworks limited to use on only one capstone).

Part 2: In this capstone, I am (my student is)...

  • Using a complementary color combination for content and UI elements (explore good color combinations).
  • Using less than three fonts and a pairing that doesn’t clash (check out recommended pairings by ReliablePSD and Femmebot or go to directly to Google Fonts, click on “see specimen” under a specific font and scroll down to “Popular Pairings” to preview Google’s recommendations).
  • Using moderate spacing – margin, padding, and line-height – to avoid elements from being positioned right up against another (read about the importance of white space).
  • Using Fontawesome icons (sparingly and with text labels in most cases) for menu items or section titles.
  • Being consistent with styling by writing CSS rules for either elements or classes.

Capstone UI/UX Checklist I: Responsiveness

As mentioned in an earlier lesson, one of the basic assumptions you’ll need to make as a modern web developer is that your users will be accessing your projects using a wide range of devices, with an even wider range of screen sizes. Before submitting your project, quickly go through this responsiveness checklist with your mentor to implement simple best practices to ensure your projects look and work great regardless of device screen size.

In this project, I have (my student has)...

  • Mobile-first design - all main features and content are present on mobile view.
  • Used the viewport meta tag in the <head> section: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  • Added media queries for all standard devices:
    • Smart phone portrait
    • Smart phone landscape
    • Tablet portrait
    • Tablet landscape
  • Written CSS rules for each media query (screen size) that optimize:
    • Text readability (e.g. font sizes easy to read without having to zoom in/out).
    • Image to screen ratio (e.g. image width/height defined by percentage of screen size).
    • Usability of UI (e.g. size and vertical spacing for clickable elements).
  • Used a responsive CSS grid to vertically reorganize any horizontal columns or boxes when user views on a mobile device.
  • Avoided positioning any content or elements in a way that requires user to scroll horizontally or zoom in/out to view (excluding map data).
  • Converted desktop horizontal nav menus to a drop down vertical menu on mobile view.
  • Used Chrome DevTools to simulate common mobile device viewports and confirmed that everything behaves as expected.
  • Tested the project on as many devices as possible to account for the limitations of DevTools simulations.
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