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Last active August 5, 2020 13:14
Protocols, inheritance, default implementations, and optional methods
import Foundation
protocol P {
var required: String { get }
extension P {
var required: String { "Default implementation of `required`" }
var nonRequired: String { "Default implementation of `nonRequired`" }
class C: P {
var required: String { "Superclass implementation of `required`" }
var nonRequired: String { "Superclass implementation of `nonRequired`" }
class D: C {
override var required: String { "Subclass implementation of `required`" }
override var nonRequired: String { "Subclass implementation of `nonRequired`" }
for p in [C(), D()] as [P] {
print("\(p) as P: \(p.required)")
print("\(p) as P: \(p.nonRequired)")
for c in [C(), D()] as [C] {
print("\(c) as C: \(c.required)")
print("\(c) as C: \(c.nonRequired)")
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