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Created December 23, 2011 13:12
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Save alfeg/1514174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Perlin Fire
// Variable usage: (* marks globals, all other variables are used for various purposes by various parts of the code)
// a = calculator
// b* = random data
// c* = main canvas
// d* = main canvas style / main canvas context
// e = calculator
// f =
// g* = main canvas composite operations
// h* = 300 (height)
// i = counter
// j =
// k =
// l = calculator
// m* = perlin data
// n = calculator
// o = calculator
// p* = progress counter
// q* = Math
// r* = context
// s* = image data
// t* = canvas
// u = calculator
// v* = color map
// w* = 450 (width)
// x = document / counter
// y* = 999 (size of random data)
// z = "A" element / gradient / length of perlin data
// <i = [9...0]>
// <x = document>
// <z = "A" element>
for(v = [
b = [
r = [
t = [
m = [
s = [x=document],
[ 0, y=i=999, p= 0],
[ 0, h=300, i ],
[ 0, 0, h*2]
[ 24, w=190, y ],
[ 32, w , y ],
[ 24, w , y ]
];i--;) b[i]=q.random(z.href='');
// </i = [9...0]>
// <i = [2...0]>
c = t[i] = x.createElement('canvas'),
// <d = main canvas style>,
c.width = w = 450,
d.width = w * 2,
c.height = h,
d.height = h * 2,
// </d = main canvas style>
// <d = main canvas context>
d = r[i] = c.getContext('2d'),
d.fillRect(0, 0, w, h),
s[i] = d.getImageData(0, 0, w, 1);
// </x = document>
// </i = [2...0]>
g=[z.appendChild(c), d.globalCompositeOperation, 'lighter'];
// </z = "A" element>
// <z = gradient>
z = d.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, h);
z.addColorStop(0, r[2].fillStyle = 'rgba(24,9,9,.9)');
z.addColorStop(1, r[1].fillStyle = 'rgba(24,9,9,.03)');
d.fillStyle = z;
// </z = gradient>
setInterval(function () {
// <i = [2...1]>
for(i = 3; --i;)
// <z = length of perlin data>
// <x = [z...0]>
for (x=z=w+i*h-h;x--;)
// <u = calculator>
// <l = calculator>
for (m[i][x]=0,l=2,u=5;u--;l*=2)
// <e = calculator>
e = 1<<(u+6-i*2),
// <n = calculator>
n = p / i / e,
// <o = calculator>
o = x / e,
// <a = calculator>
m[i][x] += ((e = (a=b[((e = z*(n>>0)+o)>>0)%y]) + (b[(e+.999>>0)%y] - a) * (-q.cos(o%1*q.PI)/2+1/2)) +
(-e+(a=b[((e = z*(n+.999>>0)+o)>>0)%y]) + (b[(e+.999>>0)%y] - a) * (-q.cos(o%1*q.PI)/2+1/2)) *
(-q.cos(n%1*q.PI)/2+1/2)) / l;
// </a = calculator>
// </o = calculator>
// </n = calculator>
// </e = calculator>
// </l = calculator>
// </u = calculator>
// </x = [z..0]>
// </z = length of perlin data>
// </i = [2...1]>
// <i = [2...1]>
// <x = [w...0]>
for (x = w; x--;)
// <e = calculator>
// <u = calculator>
for(e = m[2][x + m[1][x] * h >> 0] - .3,u=3;u--;)
// <n = calculator>
s[i].data[x * 4 + u] = q.max(0, q.min(255, e * n[1] + e*e * n[2] - n[0]));
// </n = calculator>
// </e = calculator>
// </u = calculator>
// </x = [w...0]>
// </i = [2...1]>
// <i = [2...1]>
r[i].drawImage(t[i], 0, 0, w, h, 0, -4, w, h + 2),
r[i].putImageData(s[i], 0, h-1),
r[i].putImageData(s[i], 0, h-2);
// </i = [2...1]>
r[1].fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
// <i = [2...1]>
d.drawImage(t[i], 0, 0),
d.globalCompositeOperation = g[i];
// </i = [2...1]>
d.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
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