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  • Save alfem/8972451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alfem/8972451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
by='Scott Garrett <mail (at)>'
desc='A simple GUI frontend to dd to write ISO disc images to USB drives.'
### Globals ###
# We need to make sure these options are enabled for fancy globs to work properly.
shopt -s extglob globstar
dd_output_file="/tmp/$script_name-$USER-$(date +%s).log"
### Funuctions ###
# Returns a list of all USB block devices.
list_devices () {
local none_found=1
# If there are USB drives plugged in, iterate through them.
for device in /dev/disk/by-path/*-usb-*; do
# Skip the partitions.
[[ $device == *-part? ]] && continue
# Print the absolute path to the device.
readlink -f "$device"
done | sort # Sort the list when we're done.
# Set return status in case someone wants to use this function in a
# conditional.
return $none_found
# Returns a list of all partitions on a particular USB device by path and name,
# delimited by a tab. If a device does not have a name, its path will be given,
# instead.
# Positional arguments:
# $1 - Absolute path to block device
list_partitions_of () {
local none_found=1
# Iterate through the list of disk partition labels.
for item in /dev/disk/by-label/*; do
# Get its absolute path.
local real_path=$(readlink -f "$item")
# Skip it if it doesn't belong to the device specified in $1.
[[ $real_path != @($1?|$1) ]] && continue
# Extract only the label part of the path.
local part_name=$(basename "$item")
# Print the path and and the label, separated by a tab.
# Since weird characters like spaces are escaped in the file name, we
# let printf translate them for us.
printf -- "%s\t${part_name:-$1}\n" "$real_path"
done | sort # Sort the list when we're done.
return $none_found
# Prompt the user for a USB drive to do something with.
# Returns the path of selected device.
ask_for_usb_drive () {
# We need an empty array to put the device and partition columns in to
# feed to Zenity.
local columns=()
# Iterate through the list of USB drive devices.
while read -r device; do
# Add the device to a row.
columns+=("$device" ' ')
while IFS=$'\t' read -r partition name; do
# Add rows with the path and name of each partition.
columns+=(' ' "$partition - $name")
done < <(list_partitions_of "$device")
done < <(list_devices)
# Complain and exit if the array is empty - we didn't find any drives.
if [[ -z $columns ]]; then
zenity --error \
--title "$script_name: Error" \
--text "There doesn't seem to be any USB drives connected to your computer."
exit 1
# Otherwise, ask the user to choose a device.
local device=$(zenity --list \
--title "$script_name: Step 1: Choose a Target" \
--text 'Which USB drive would you like to write the image to?' \
--print-column ALL \
--separator ' ' \
--column 'Device' --column 'Existing Partitions' \
# Get rid of pesky spaces in the selection.
device=${device// /}
# If the user selected a partition, make sure to extract the parent device
# path from that.
[[ $device == *-* ]] && device=${device%?-*}
# Set error status if the user bailed.
[[ -z $device ]] && return 1
# Otherwise, print the selected device.
echo "$device"; return 0
# Prompt the user to select an ISO disc image.
ask_for_iso_file () {
zenity --file-selection \
--title "$script_name: Step 2: Choose a Disk Image File" \
--file-filter '*.iso'
# Prompt the user for a confirmation.
# Positional arguments:
# $1 - disc image file
# $2 - Path to USB device
ask_for_confirmation () {
zenity --question \
--title "$script_name: Step 3: Confirm Selection" \
--text "You have chosen to write the disc image file:
to $2.
This will overwrite the contents of the drive with the disc image.
Do you wish to proceed?"
# Figure out what GUI the user has to prompt for root privilages.
for gui_su in kdesu gksudo gksu; do
# `type -p` is a script-friendly way of doing `which EXECUTABLE`.
gui_su=$(type -p $gui_su)
# If we found a GUI to prompt for root, bail out of the loop.
[[ $gui_su ]] && break
# If we didn't find one and we're not already running as root, complain and
# exit.
if [[ -z $gui_su && $UID != 0 ]]; then
zenity --error \
--title "$script_name: Privilage Error" \
--text 'I need root privilages to write disc images to USB devices, but cannot find gtksudo, gtksu, or kdesu.'
exit 1
### Main ###
# Lazily handle arguments passed to the script.
case "$1" in
# Some of the GUIs to run something as root eat program output, so we
# will handle this as an argument and call the script as root with it
# later.
# And the user can conviniently use it themselves on the command line
# if they want to. What a deal!
[[ $4 ]] && dd_output_file=$4
# Complain and exit if we're not already root.
if ((UID != 0)); then
echo "$script_name: this must be executed as root." | tee "$dd_output_file"
exit 1
# Write the input file to a block device with dd and print an EOF when
# done. dd output is redirected to the $dd_output_file.
dd if="$2" of="$3" bs=1M &> "$dd_output_file"
printf -- '\x04'
# Handle -h/--help flag and show info about the script. A heredoc
# replaces many `echo`-s here.
cat <<HELP_EOF
$script_name $version - $by
Run without arguments to use the Zenity GUI.
-h --help
This message.
Directly write DISC_IMAGE to TARGET_DEVICE with dd. Requires root.
dd output will be written to LOG_FILE, otherwise to '$script_name-$USER-UNIX_TIMESTAMP'.
exit 1
# Complain and exit if the user tries to use the GUI without X.
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]]; then
echo 'You must be run this script in an X session to use the Zenity GUI.'
exit 1
# Ask the user to choose a USB drive and an ISO file; exit if they bail out.
[[ -z $device ]] && exit 1
[[ -z $file ]] && exit 1
# Are they sure?
ask_for_confirmation "$file" "$device" || exit 1
# If so, run this script with the GUI su elevator and show a feedback about
# the process. We *could* poll dd to figure out an actual percentage, but
# that would make things more complicated, so we'll settle for the pulserbar.
( $gui_su -- $0 --write "$file" "$device" "$dd_output_file") | zenity --progress \
--pulsate --auto-close \
--title "$script_name: Writing Image..." \
--text "The disc image is being written to ${device}. This will take a while."
# Give the user the status report from dd.
zenity --info \
--title "$script_name: Result" \
--text "$(<"$dd_output_file")"
# Clean up.
rm "$dd_output_file"
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alfem commented Feb 13, 2014

Added "--" parameter to gksudo to avoid it to parse dd parameters

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