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Last active February 16, 2024 08:34
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MP4 Parser example in Go.

Minimal MP4 Parser Example

  • Download MP4:
  • Run
go run mp4_example.go tears-of-steel.mp4

go run mp4_example_2.go tears-of-steel.mp4
package main
import (
const (
// BoxHeaderSize Size of box header.
BoxHeaderSize = int64(8)
// FtypBox - File Type Box
// Box Type: ftyp
// Container: File
// Mandatory: Yes
// Quantity: Exactly one
type FtypBox struct {
MajorBrand string // Brand identifer.
MinorVersion uint32 // Informative integer for the minor version of the major brand.
CompatibleBrands []string // A list, to the end of the box, of brands.
func (b *FtypBox) parse() error {
data := b.ReadBoxData()
b.MajorBrand = string(data[0:4])
b.MinorVersion = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[4:8])
if len(data) > 8 {
for i := 8; i < len(data); i += 4 {
b.CompatibleBrands = append(b.CompatibleBrands, string(data[i:i+4]))
return nil
// Mp4Reader defines an mp4 reader structure.
type Mp4Reader struct {
Reader io.ReaderAt
Ftyp *FtypBox
Size int64
// Parse reads an MP4 reader for atom boxes.
func (m *Mp4Reader) Parse() error {
if m.Size == 0 {
if ofile, ok := m.Reader.(*os.File); ok {
info, err := ofile.Stat()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return err
m.Size = info.Size()
boxes := readBoxes(m, int64(0), m.Size)
for _, box := range boxes {
switch box.Name {
case "ftyp":
m.Ftyp = &FtypBox{Box: box}
// Add cases to check for more boxes here.
// case "moov":
// m.Moov = &MoovBox{Box: box}
// m.Moov.parse()
return nil
// ReadBoxAt reads a box from an offset.
func (m *Mp4Reader) ReadBoxAt(offset int64) (boxSize uint32, boxType string) {
buf := m.ReadBytesAt(BoxHeaderSize, offset)
boxSize = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[0:4])
boxType = string(buf[4:8])
return boxSize, boxType
// ReadBytesAt reads a box at n and offset.
func (m *Mp4Reader) ReadBytesAt(n int64, offset int64) (word []byte) {
buf := make([]byte, n)
if _, error := m.Reader.ReadAt(buf, offset); error != nil {
return buf
// Box defines an Atom Box structure.
type Box struct {
Name string
Size, Start int64
Reader *Mp4Reader
// ReadBoxData reads the box data from an atom box.
func (b *Box) ReadBoxData() []byte {
if b.Size <= BoxHeaderSize {
return nil
return b.Reader.ReadBytesAt(b.Size-BoxHeaderSize, b.Start+BoxHeaderSize)
func readBoxes(m *Mp4Reader, start int64, n int64) (l []*Box) {
for offset := start; offset < start+n; {
size, name := m.ReadBoxAt(offset)
b := &Box{
Name: string(name),
Size: int64(size),
Reader: m,
Start: offset,
l = append(l, b)
offset += int64(size)
return l
// Open opens a file and returns an &Mp4Reader{}.
func Open(path string) (f *Mp4Reader, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, err
f = &Mp4Reader{
Reader: file,
return f, f.Parse()
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("missing argument, provide an mp4 file!")
mp4, err := Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("unable to open file")
fmt.Println(" ", mp4.Ftyp.Name)
fmt.Println("ftyp.major_brand: ", mp4.Ftyp.MajorBrand)
fmt.Println("ftyp.minor_version: ", mp4.Ftyp.MinorVersion)
fmt.Println("ftyp.compatible_brands: ", mp4.Ftyp.CompatibleBrands)
package main
import (
const (
// BoxHeaderSize Size of box header.
BoxHeaderSize = int64(8)
// FtypBox - File Type Box
// Box Type: ftyp
// Container: File
// Mandatory: Yes
// Quantity: Exactly one
type FtypBox struct {
MajorBrand string // Brand identifer.
MinorVersion uint32 // Informative integer for the minor version of the major brand.
CompatibleBrands []string // A list, to the end of the box, of brands.
func (b *FtypBox) parse() error {
data := b.ReadBoxData()
b.MajorBrand = string(data[0:4])
b.MinorVersion = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[4:8])
if len(data) > 8 {
for i := 8; i < len(data); i += 4 {
b.CompatibleBrands = append(b.CompatibleBrands, string(data[i:i+4]))
return nil
type MoovBox struct {
Mvhd *MvhdBox
func (b *MoovBox) parse() error {
boxes := readBoxes(b.Reader, b.Start+BoxHeaderSize, b.Size-BoxHeaderSize)
for _, box := range boxes {
switch box.Name {
case "mvhd":
b.Mvhd = &MvhdBox{Box: box}
return nil
type MvhdBox struct {
Flags uint32
Version uint8
CreationTime uint32
ModificationTime uint32
Timescale uint32
Duration uint32
Rate Fixed32
Volume Fixed16
func (b *MvhdBox) parse() error {
data := b.ReadBoxData()
b.Version = data[0]
b.Timescale = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[12:16])
b.Duration = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[16:20])
b.Rate = fixed32(data[20:24])
b.Volume = fixed16(data[24:26])
return nil
// Mp4Reader defines an mp4 reader structure.
type Mp4Reader struct {
Reader io.ReaderAt
Ftyp *FtypBox
Moov *MoovBox
Size int64
// Parse reads an MP4 reader for atom boxes.
func (m *Mp4Reader) Parse() error {
if m.Size == 0 {
if ofile, ok := m.Reader.(*os.File); ok {
info, err := ofile.Stat()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return err
m.Size = info.Size()
boxes := readBoxes(m, int64(0), m.Size)
for _, box := range boxes {
switch box.Name {
case "ftyp":
m.Ftyp = &FtypBox{Box: box}
case "moov":
m.Moov = &MoovBox{Box: box}
// Add cases to check for more boxes here.
return nil
// ReadBoxAt reads a box from an offset.
func (m *Mp4Reader) ReadBoxAt(offset int64) (boxSize uint32, boxType string) {
buf := m.ReadBytesAt(BoxHeaderSize, offset)
boxSize = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[0:4])
boxType = string(buf[4:8])
return boxSize, boxType
// ReadBytesAt reads a box at n and offset.
func (m *Mp4Reader) ReadBytesAt(n int64, offset int64) (word []byte) {
buf := make([]byte, n)
if _, error := m.Reader.ReadAt(buf, offset); error != nil {
return buf
// Box defines an Atom Box structure.
type Box struct {
Name string
Size, Start int64
Reader *Mp4Reader
// ReadBoxData reads the box data from an atom box.
func (b *Box) ReadBoxData() []byte {
if b.Size <= BoxHeaderSize {
return nil
return b.Reader.ReadBytesAt(b.Size-BoxHeaderSize, b.Start+BoxHeaderSize)
func readBoxes(m *Mp4Reader, start int64, n int64) (l []*Box) {
for offset := start; offset < start+n; {
size, name := m.ReadBoxAt(offset)
b := &Box{
Name: string(name),
Size: int64(size),
Reader: m,
Start: offset,
l = append(l, b)
offset += int64(size)
return l
// Open opens a file and returns an &Mp4Reader{}.
func Open(path string) (f *Mp4Reader, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, err
f = &Mp4Reader{
Reader: file,
return f, f.Parse()
// Fixed16 is an 8.8 Fixed Point Decimal notation
type Fixed16 uint16
func (f Fixed16) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", uint16(f)>>8)
func fixed16(bytes []byte) Fixed16 {
return Fixed16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(bytes))
// Fixed32 is a 16.16 Fixed Point Decimal notation
type Fixed32 uint32
func fixed32(bytes []byte) Fixed32 {
return Fixed32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(bytes))
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("missing argument, provide an mp4 file!")
mp4, err := Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("unable to open file")
fmt.Println(" ", mp4.Ftyp.Name)
fmt.Println("ftyp.major_brand: ", mp4.Ftyp.MajorBrand)
fmt.Println("ftyp.minor_version: ", mp4.Ftyp.MinorVersion)
fmt.Println("ftyp.compatible_brands: ", mp4.Ftyp.CompatibleBrands)
fmt.Println(" ", mp4.Moov.Name, mp4.Moov.Size)
fmt.Println(" ", mp4.Moov.Mvhd.Name)
fmt.Println("moov.mvhd.version: ", mp4.Moov.Mvhd.Version)
fmt.Println("moov.mvhd.volume: ", mp4.Moov.Mvhd.Volume)
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In this example if I want to locate GPS and audio/video resolution information, please guide me. Use case is to find out this information from remote video file without downloading it fully(to avoid bandwidth).

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