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Last active December 16, 2018 22:47
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Created with Fable REPL {
max-width: 350px;
margin: auto;
} .card-image {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 25px 0 0;
module Thoth.RandomUser
Small application showing how to use:
- Thoth.Json
- Fable.PowerPack (Promise, Fetch API)
open System
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
open Fable.SimpleHttp
open Fable.Import
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
open Thoth.Json
type Gender =
| Male
| Female
static member Decoder =
|> Decode.andThen (
| "male" -> Decode.succeed Male
| "female" -> Decode.succeed Female
| invalid -> "`" + invalid + "` isn't a valid value for Gender"
type User =
{ Gender : Gender
FullName : string
Email : string
CellPhone : string
OfficePhone : string
Age : int
Birthday : DateTime
Picture : string }
static member Decoder =
// When using Thoth.Json, you are not forced to do a 1 to 1
// mapping between the JSON format and your types
// For example, in the next decoder we will access deep information
// and store it at the "root" of our type
Decode.object (fun get ->
// In object decoder, we can execute any F#
// So for example, we can use temporary variables
let firstname = get.Required.At [ "name"; "first" ] Decode.string
let lastname = get.Required.At [ "name"; "last" ] Decode.string
{ Gender = get.Required.Field "gender" Gender.Decoder
FullName = firstname + " " + lastname
Email = get.Required.Field "email" Decode.string
CellPhone = get.Required.Field "cell" Decode.string
OfficePhone = get.Required.Field "phone" Decode.string
Age = get.Required.At [ "dob"; "age" ]
Birthday = get.Required.At [ "dob"; "date" ] Decode.datetime
Picture = get.Required.At [ "picture"; "large" ] Decode.string }
type Model =
/// Loading state
/// If user is None, then it's the initial loading
| Loading of User option
/// Loaded state
| Loaded of User
/// If last request results in an error
| Errored
type Msg =
| FetchRandomUser
| FetchResponse of Result<User, string>
| FetchError of exn
/// At first, we have no user to display
let init () = Loading None, Cmd.ofMsg FetchRandomUser
let private getRandomUser () = async {
// We add a delay of 300ms so the button animation is more visible
do! Async.Sleep 300
let! response =
Http.request ""
|> Http.send
let resultDecoder =
Decode.field "results" (Decode.index 0 User.Decoder)
return Decode.fromString resultDecoder response.responseText
let update (msg:Msg) (model:Model) =
match msg with
| FetchRandomUser ->
let newModel =
match model with
// If we have a current user
// we keep it while waiting the new user
| Loaded user ->
Loading (Some user)
| _ -> Loading None
newModel, Cmd.ofAsync getRandomUser () FetchResponse FetchError
// We got a response and decoding succeded
| FetchResponse (Ok user) ->
Loaded user, Cmd.none
// We got a response and decoding failed
| FetchResponse (Error msg) ->
Browser.console.error msg
Errored, Cmd.none
// An error occured, when fetching the new user
| FetchError error ->
Browser.console.error error.Message
Errored, Cmd.none
// VIEW (rendered with React)
let inline private renderInfo iconClass value =
let iconClass = "fa " + iconClass
div [ ]
[ span [ Class "icon" ]
[ i [ Class iconClass ]
[ ] ]
str " "
str value ]
let inline private viewMessage color msg =
div [ Class ("message " + color) ]
[ div [ Class "message-body" ]
[ str msg ] ]
let private viewLoading =
viewMessage "is-info" "Rock'n Roll!"
let private viewErrored =
viewMessage "is-danger" "An error occured, please check the console for more information."
let private viewUser (user : User) =
let birthday =
div [ Class "card is-avatar" ]
[ div [ Class "card-image" ]
[ figure [ Class "image is-128x128" ]
[ img [ Class "is-rounded"
Src user.Picture ] ] ]
div [ Class "card-content" ]
[ div [ Class "content has-text-centered" ]
[ div [ Class "has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5" ]
[ str user.FullName ]
div [ Class "is-italic" ]
[ str birthday ] ]
div [ Class "content" ]
[ renderInfo "fa-phone" user.CellPhone
renderInfo "fa-phone" user.OfficePhone
renderInfo "fa-envelope" user.Email ] ] ]
let private viewGenerateButton isLoading dispatch =
let buttonClass =
if isLoading then
" is-loading"
|> (+) "button is-primary "
div [ Class "has-text-centered" ]
[ div [ Class buttonClass
OnClick (fun _ ->
dispatch FetchRandomUser
) ]
[ str "Generate a new user" ] ]
let private center child =
div [ Class "columns is-mobile" ]
[ div [ Class "column is-3" ] [ ]
div [ Class "column" ] [ child ]
div [ Class "column is-3" ] [ ] ]
let view model dispatch =
let (isLoading, content) =
match model with
| Loading None ->
true, viewLoading
| Loading (Some user) ->
true, viewUser user
| Loaded user ->
false, viewUser user
| Errored ->
false, viewErrored
section [ Class "hero is-fullheight" ]
[ div [ Class "hero-body" ]
[ div [ Class "container" ]
[ center (viewGenerateButton isLoading dispatch)
center content ] ] ]
// App
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "elmish-app"
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="__HOST__/libs/css/bulma.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="__HOST__/libs/css/font-awesome.min.css" />
<body class="app-container">
<div id="elmish-app" class="elmish-app"></div>
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