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Created January 9, 2021 17:12
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Turing example with implicit functions and forwarddiff
using NLsolve
using ChainRules
using ForwardDiff
using ComponentArrays
using Distributions
using Turing
using StatsPlots
# Γ handles all of the data in the model, in a stacked vector
# (using the Component Array type). Γ has the following structure:
# Γ
# ├── y unknown variables
# ├── Ω data
# │ ├── x input data (state, known variables)
# │ └── θ parameters
# │ └── y initial values for the solver
# The combination of `model_residuals!` and Γ.Ω.θ define the model,
# Γ.Ω.y provides initial values for the solver,
# Γ.Ω.x is the known values in the model, which could include exogenous
# states or matched observables.
function model_residuals!(F, Γ)
F[1] = exp(Γ.y.y₁)-Γ.Ω.θ₂*exp(Γ.y.y₂)+Γ.Ω.θ₁
F[2] = Γ.y.y₁-Γ.y.y₂+Γ.Ω.θ₃
# Unkowns as a function of input data
function ŷ(Ω::AbstractVector{T}) where T
f!(F,y) = model_residuals!(F,ComponentArray(y=y,Ω=Ω))
y = nlsolve(f!,ComponentVector{T}(y₁=Ω.y₁,y₂=Ω.y₂),autodiff=:forward).zero
return y
# Forward rule (see ChainRules.jl)
function frule((_,ΔΩ),::typeof(ŷ),Ω::AbstractVector{<:Real})
y = ŷ(Ω)
f!(F,y_) = model_residuals!(F,ComponentArray(y=y_,Ω=Ω))
j = ForwardDiff.jacobian(f!,zeros(2),ComponentArray(y=y,Ω=Ω))
ny,nΩ = length(y),length(Ω)
∂y = -j[1:ny,1:ny]\j[1:ny,ny+1:ny+nΩ]
return y,∂y
# Turing model for estimation
@model function gtest(data,θ₁)
# priors - model parameters
θ₂ ~ Normal(3.0,1.0)
θ₃ ~ Normal(2.0,0.6)
# prior - measurement error
s ~ InverseGamma(2,0.5)
for i in 1:size(data)[2]
data[:,i] ~ MvNormal(
# Generate test data
θ₁ = rand(Normal(7.0,2.0),100)
θ₂, θ₃ = 2.5,1.0
data = Array{Float64,2}(undef,2,100)
for i in 1:100
data[:,i] =
ŷ(ComponentArray(θ₁=θ₁[i],θ₂=θ₂,θ₃=θ₃,y₁=0.0,y₂=1.0)) +
# Estimation
c = sample(gtest(data,θ₁),NUTS(100,0.65),1000)
# Summarise and plot results
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