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Created May 10, 2015 15:38
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from vecmath import *
from spatial import Spatial
class Camera(Spatial):
def __init__(self, position=None, orient=None, fov=pi/3.0, near=1, far=1000, aspect=1.6):
super(Camera, self).__init__(position, orient)
def set_fov(self, fov):
self._fov = float(fov)
def get_fov(self):
return self._fov
def set_near(self, near):
self._near = float(near)
def get_near(self):
return self._near
def set_far(self, far):
self._far = float(far)
def get_far(self):
return self._far
def set_aspect(self, aspect):
self._aspect = float(aspect)
def get_aspect(self):
return self._aspect
def get_projection_matrix(self):
a = self.get_aspect()
f = self.get_far()
n = self.get_near()
fov = self.get_fov()
Pxx = 1.0/tan(fov/2.0)
matP = m44()
matP[0,0] = Pxx
matP[1,1] = Pxx * a
matP[2,2] = (f+n)/(n-f)
matP[2,3] = (2*n*f)/(n-f)
matP[3,2] = -1.0
return matP
def get_camera_matrix(self):
v = self.get_position()
q = self.get_orientation()
qi = q_inv(q)
vn = -q_mul_v(qi,v)
return m44_pos_rot(vn, qi)
from vecmath import *
class Spatial(object):
def __init__(self, position=None, orientation=None):
self._pos = v3(0,0,0)
self._ori = quat(0,0,0,1)
if position is not None:
if orientation is not None:
def get_position(self):
return self._pos[:]
def set_position(self, value):
self._pos[:] = value
def get_orientation(self):
return self._ori[:]
def set_orientation(self, value):
self._ori[:] = value
def get_model_matrix(self):
return m44_pos_rot(self._pos, self._ori)
def forward(self, dist):
forward_world = q_mul_v(self._ori, V3_ZAXIS*-1)
self._pos += dist*forward_world
def get_world_forward(self):
return q_mul_v(self._ori, V3_ZAXIS*-1)
def get_world_up(self):
return q_mul_v(self._ori, V3_YAXIS)
def yaw(self, angle):
q = quat_axis_angle(V3_YAXIS, angle)
self._ori[:] = q_mul(self._ori, q)
def pitch(self, angle):
q = quat_axis_angle(V3_XAXIS, angle)
self._ori[:] = q_mul(self._ori, q)
def roll(self, angle):
q = quat_axis_angle(V3_ZAXIS, angle)
self._ori[:] = q_mul(self._ori, q)
def look_dir(self, look, up=None):
ulook = normalize(look)
if up is None:
uright = normalize(cross(ulook, V3_YAXIS))
uup = cross(uright, ulook)
uup = normalize(up)
uright = normalize(cross(ulook, uup))
matRot = m44()
matRot[0:3,0] = uright
matRot[0:3,1] = uup
matRot[0:3,2] = ulook *-1
matRot[ 3,3] = 1.0
self._ori[:] = m44_rot_to_q(matRot)
def look_at(self, world_point, up=None):
direction = world_point - self._pos
self.look_dir(direction, up)
from numpy import (
from numpy.linalg import det, inv, norm
FLOAT = float32
INT = int32
EPSILON = 1e-10
def arrayf(lst):
return array(lst, dtype=FLOAT)
def arrayi(lst):
return array(lst, dtype=INT)
def arraycat(*lst):
return concatenate(lst)
# Matrix/Quaternion/Vector Initializers
def v2(x=0.0, y=0.0):
return array((x,y), dtype=FLOAT)
def v3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0):
return array((x,y,z), dtype=FLOAT)
V3_XAXIS = v3(1.0,0.0,0.0)
V3_YAXIS = v3(0.0,1.0,0.0)
V3_ZAXIS = v3(0.0,0.0,1.0)
def v4(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, w=0.0):
return array((x,y,z,w), dtype=FLOAT)
def quat(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, w=0.0):
return array((x,y,z,w), dtype=FLOAT)
def quat_axis_angle(axis, angle):
t = angle/2.0
s = sin(t)
w = cos(t)
x, y, z = axis*s
return array((x,y,z,w), dtype=FLOAT)
def m22():
return zeros(shape=(2,2), dtype=FLOAT, order='C')
def m23():
return zeros(shape=(2,3), dtype=FLOAT, order='C')
def m33():
return zeros(shape=(3,3), dtype=FLOAT, order='C')
def m44():
return zeros(shape=(4,4), dtype=FLOAT, order='C')
# Quaternion/Vector Operations
def normalize(qv):
return qv/norm(qv)
def q_conj(q):
x, y, z, w = q
return quat(-x, -y, -z, w)
def q_div(q1, q2):
return q_mul(q1, q_inv(q2))
def q_inv(q):
x, y, z, w = q
qc = quat(-x, -y, -z, w)
return qc/dot(qc,qc)
def q_mul(q1, q2):
x1, y1, z1, w1 = q1
x2, y2, z2, w2 = q2
return quat(
w1*x2 + x1*w2 + y1*z2 - z1*y2,
w1*y2 - x1*z2 + y1*w2 + z1*x2,
w1*z2 + x1*y2 - y1*x2 + z1*w2,
w1*w2 - x1*x2 - y1*y2 - z1*z2
def q_mul_v(q1, v):
x, y, z = v
qv = quat(x, y, z, 0)
q1_inv = q_inv(q1)
qw = q_mul(q1, q_mul(qv, q1_inv))
return qw[0:3]
def q_to_rot(q1):
x,y,z,w = q1
xx = x*x
xy = x*y
xz = x*z
xw = x*w
yy = y*y
yz = y*z
yw = y*w
zz = z*z
zw = z*w
return (
(1-2*(yy+zz), 2*(xy-zw), 2*(xz+yw), 0),
( 2*(xy+zw), 1-2*(xx+zz), 2*(yz-xw), 0),
( 2*(xz-yw), 2*(yz+xw), 1-2*(xx+yy), 0),
( 0, 0, 0, 1)
def m44_mul_m44(m1, m2):
return dot(m1, m2)
def m44_pos_rot(v,q):
mat = m44()
mat[:] = q_to_rot(q)
mat[0:3,3] = v
return mat
def m44_rot_to_q(m1):
if 1 + m1[0,0] + m1[1,1] + m1[2,2] > EPSILON:
s = 2*sqrt(1+ m1[0,0] + m1[1,1] + m1[2,2])
return quat(
elif m1[0,0] >= max(m1[1,1], m1[2,2]):
s = 2*sqrt(1 + m1[0,0] - m1[1,1] - m1[2,2])
return quat(
elif m1[1,1] >= m1[2,2]:
s = 2*sqrt(1 - m1[0,0] + m1[1,1] - m1[2,2])
return quat(
s = 2*sqrt(1 - m1[0,0] - m1[1,1] + m1[2,2])
return quat(
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