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Created February 17, 2019 01:18
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Zip files on iOS, without using external libraries and without interoperating with the low-level Compression framework
// Zipping.swift
// known-good: Swift 4.2
// Alexis Gallagher
import Foundation
public extension URL {
/// Creates a zip archive of the file or folder represented by this URL and returns a references to the zipped file
/// - parameter dest: the destination URL; if nil, the destination will be this URL with ".zip" appended
public func zip(toFileAt dest: URL? = nil) throws -> URL
let destURL = dest ?? self.appendingPathExtension("zip")
let fm = FileManager.default
var isDir: ObjCBool = false
let srcDir: URL
let srcDirIsTemporary: Bool
if self.isFileURL && fm.fileExists(atPath: path, isDirectory: &isDir) && isDir.boolValue == true {
// this URL is a directory: just zip it in-place
srcDir = self
srcDirIsTemporary = false
else {
// otherwise we need to copy the simple file to a temporary directory in order for
// NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.ForUploading to actually zip it up
srcDir = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
try fm.createDirectory(at: srcDir, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
let tmpURL = srcDir.appendingPathComponent(self.lastPathComponent)
try fm.copyItem(at: self, to: tmpURL)
srcDirIsTemporary = true
let coord = NSFileCoordinator()
var readError: NSError?
var copyError: NSError?
var errorToThrow: NSError?
var readSucceeded:Bool = false
// coordinateReadingItemAtURL is invoked synchronously, but the passed in zippedURL is only valid
// for the duration of the block, so it needs to be copied out
coord.coordinate(readingItemAt: srcDir,
options: NSFileCoordinator.ReadingOptions.forUploading,
error: &readError)
(zippedURL: URL) -> Void in
readSucceeded = true
// assert: read succeeded
do {
try fm.copyItem(at: zippedURL, to: destURL)
} catch let caughtCopyError {
copyError = caughtCopyError as NSError
if let theReadError = readError, !readSucceeded {
// assert: read failed, readError describes our reading error
NSLog("%@","zipping failed")
errorToThrow = theReadError
else if readError == nil && !readSucceeded {
NSLog("%@","NSFileCoordinator has violated its API contract. It has errored without throwing an error object")
errorToThrow = NSError.init(domain: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, code: 0, userInfo: nil)
else if let theCopyError = copyError {
// assert: read succeeded, copy failed
NSLog("%@","zipping succeeded but copying the zip file failed")
errorToThrow = theCopyError
if srcDirIsTemporary {
do {
try fm.removeItem(at: srcDir)
catch {
// Not going to throw, because we do have a valid output to return. We're going to rely on
// the operating system to eventually cleanup the temporary directory.
NSLog("%@","Warning. Zipping succeeded but could not remove temporary directory afterwards")
if let error = errorToThrow { throw error }
return destURL
public extension NSData {
/// Creates a zip archive of this data via a temporary file and returns the zipped contents
func zip() throws -> NSData {
let tmpURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString)
try self.write(to: tmpURL, options: NSData.WritingOptions.atomic)
let zipURL = try
let fm = FileManager.default
let zippedData = try NSData(contentsOf: zipURL, options: NSData.ReadingOptions())
try fm.removeItem(at: tmpURL) // clean up
try fm.removeItem(at: zipURL)
return zippedData
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hungfhq commented Jul 15, 2022

How to unzip a .zip file without using 3rd party library?

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gmcusaro commented May 18, 2023

Is there a way to zip only file without zipping a temporary folder with the file?
Only > file instead > uuidStringFolder/file.

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