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Last active February 6, 2019 09:10
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Swift Regular Expression Helpers
// known-good: Swift 4.2
// expected good: Swift 5.0
import Foundation
This file defines three helpers for matching regular expressions against strings, and inspecting the results of capture groups in the regular expressions.
1. `RegexMatches(ofPattern:againstString:)` provides a lazy Sequence of matches, where every match is an array representing the matches capture groups.
2. `captureGroupInMatches(of:NSRegularExpression,against:)` immediately returns an array of matches, where every match is an array representing capture groups
3. `namedCaptureGroupsInMatches(of:against:)` immediately returns an array of matches, where every match is a dictionary mapping capture group names to the captured strings.
All these return Substrings rather than Strings, for storage efficiency.
I (Alexis Gallagher) have not tested but I believe these will work fine for Swift 5, since these methods do not assume a UTF16 encoding when converting between `Swift.Range` and `NSRange` in order to access the Foundation regular expression functionality. 2019-02-02
A `Sequence` of matches of a regular expression against a string.
Each element in the sequence is an `Array<Substring>`, containing the substrings of any capture groups within that match. The first element in the array is substring matching the entire expression.
Since the `Sequence` is lazy, and since it returns `Substring`s which share storage with the `String` being searched, this type should be suitable for searching for matches over large strings and for storing results regarding many matches even if they themselves are long.
let s = "😄😄😄Long paragraph!"
for match in RegexMatches(ofPattern: "ra(.)", againstString: s2) {
// ["rag", "g"]
// ["rap", "p"]
struct RegexMatches:Sequence,IteratorProtocol
let re:NSRegularExpression
let s:String
/// tracks the start point for the suffix of the string still to be searched for matches
private var startSearchableRange:String.Index
var searchableRange:Range<String.Index> {
return Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (self.startSearchableRange,self.s.endIndex))
/// Initializes a Sequence of matches of the regular expression against a string
options: NSRegularExpression.Options = [])
{ = regularExpression
self.s = string
self.startSearchableRange = string.startIndex
Creates a sequences of matches of the regular expression pattern against a string.
Traps if handed a pattern which is not a regular expression
init(ofPattern pattern: String,
againstString string:String)
let m = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: [])
self.init(regularExpression: m, string: string)
mutating func next() -> [Substring]?
let r = self.searchableRange
guard let tcr = self.s,options: [],
range: NSRange(r,in:self.s))
else { return nil }
let numberOfGroups = tcr.numberOfRanges
let groupRanges = (0..<numberOfGroups).map({tcr.range(at: $0)})
let groupSubstrings ={ self.s[Range($0, in: self.s)!] })
self.startSearchableRange = Range<String.Index>(tcr.range,in:self.s)!.upperBound
return groupSubstrings
Returns a `[[Substring]]` of all matches of a `NSRegularExpression` against a `String`.
- parameter regularExpression: the regular expression
- parameter string: the String to match against
- returns: a `[[Substring]]`, where every element represents a distinct match of the entire regular expression against `string`.
In the return value, every element represents a distinct match of the entire regular expression against the `string`. Every element is itself an `Array<Substring>`, where each `Substring` is a substring for an individual capture group within that match. The first capture group (i.e., the 0th) is the entire regular expression itself.
So for example, a match on the regular expression "a(.)z" produces two capture groups, the expression as a whole and the middle character. It expression would match three times against against the string "aaz abz acz". This would be expressed as the array [["aaz","a"], ["abz","b"], ["acz","c"]]
func captureGroupInMatches(of regularExpression:NSRegularExpression,
against string:String) -> [[Substring]]
let ms = regularExpression.matches(in: string, options: [],
range: NSRange(string.startIndex..<string.endIndex,
(tcr:NSTextCheckingResult) -> [Substring] in
let numberOfGroups = tcr.numberOfRanges
let groupRanges = (0..<numberOfGroups).map({tcr.range(at: $0)})
let groupSubstrings ={ string[Range($0, in: string)!] })
return groupSubstrings
/// Returns the names of capture groups in the regular expression.
func namedCaptureGroups(inRegularExpression regularExpression:NSRegularExpression) -> [String]
let regexString = regularExpression.pattern
let nameRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\(\\?\\<(\\w+)\\>", options: [])
let nameMatches = nameRegex.matches(in: regexString, options: [],
range: NSRange(regexString.startIndex..<regexString.endIndex,
let names = { (textCheckingResult) -> String in
return (regexString as NSString).substring(with: textCheckingResult.range(at: 1))
return names
Returns a `[[String:Substring?]]` of all matches of a `NSRegularExpression` against a `String`.
- parameter regularExpression: the regular expression
- parameter string: the String to match against
- returns: an `[[String:Substring?]]`, where every element represents a distinct match of the entire regular expression against `s`.
In the return value, every element represents a distinct match of the entire regular expression against the string. Every element is itself a `Dictionary<String,Substring?>`, mapping the name of the capture groups to the Substring which matched that capture group.
So for example, a match on the regular expression "a(?<middleChar.)z" includes one capture group named "middleChar". It would match three times against against the string "aaz abz acz". This would be expressed as the array [["middleChar":"a"], ["middleChar":"b"], ["middleChar":"c"]]
func namedCaptureGroupsInMatches(of regularExpression:NSRegularExpression,
against string:String) -> [[String:Substring?]]
let names = namedCaptureGroups(inRegularExpression: regularExpression)
let ms = regularExpression.matches(in: string, options: [],
(tcr:NSTextCheckingResult) -> [String:Substring?] in
let keyvalues ={ (name:String) -> (String,Substring?) in
let captureGroupRange = tcr.range(withName: name)
if captureGroupRange.location == NSNotFound {
return (name,nil)
else {
return (name,string[Range(captureGroupRange, in: string)!])
return Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: keyvalues)
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Budyn commented Feb 6, 2019

Thank you

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