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Created May 29, 2021 22:42
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binomial coefficients with dynamic programming
# binomial coefficients
Recurrence relation:
C(n,k) is the count of all k-subsets in a set of n items.
C(n,k) = C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k)
Intuition underlying the relation:
1. pick any item from the n-set, call it the special item.
2. Every k-subset either includes the special item or does not.
3. How many k-subsets INCLUDE the item? The number of k-subsets which include it is the same as the number of (k-1)-subsets in the set of (n-1) items, since you are just adding the special item to every one of those.
4. How many k-subsets do NOT include the item? The number of k-subsets which do not include it is the number of k-subsets you can make from the set of n-1 items, since you effectively have a set of (n-1) items once you do not include it when buiding sets.
5. So, C(n,k) = C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k)
base cases:
1. C(n,1) == n, since there are n ways to pick a single item from a set of n items.
2. C(n,n) == 1, since there is 1 way to pick all the items of a set
# simple recursive implementation
# we call our function with the intended arguments, and the implementation recurses
# to compute earlier required values
# worst-case complexity:
# - 2 branches under each node
# - every node is a function call.
# - every call allocates local storage.
# - every call is one computation
# - count(nodes) ~= 2^n
# - worst case depth: n
# - worst case
# TC: a^n ( 1 < a <= 2)
# SC: same, due to stack frame storage
def binom(n,k):
if k == 1: return n
if n == k: return 1
if k == 0: return 1
return binom(n-1,k-1) + binom(n-1,k)
# simple recursive implementation, with memoization to remove redundant computation
# (But this costs storage)
# we call the recursive function with the arguments, and the implementation
# recurses back to compute earlier required values only as needed
# TC:
# SC:
def memo_binom(n,k):
cache = {}
def binom_in(n,k):
if (n,k) in cache: return cache[(n,k)]
retval = None
if n == k: retval = 1
elif k == 0: retval = 1
retval = binom_in(n-1,k-1) + binom_in(n-1,k)
cache[(n,k)] = retval
return retval
return binom_in(n,k)
# tabular implementation
# having studied the recursion tree from the earlier implementations, we can
# forsee which values need to be computed in order to get to our final desired
# value
# So now we iterate forward up to that value saving results as we go.
# (the fiddly part is working out the bounds for what k values to compute.)
# It seems to me this uses the same storage as the memoized recursive implementation
# except for some savings in not building a call stack, but then some additional
# storage for computing unnecessary parts of the table
# SC: O(nk)
# TC: O(nk)
def tabular_binom(n,k,verbose = False):
for nn in range(n+1):
dp[(nn,0)] = 1
for kk in range(k+1):
dp[(kk,kk)] = 1
for nn in range(2,n+1):
for kk in range(max(1,k-(n-nn)),min(nn,k+1)):
dp[(nn,kk)] = dp[(nn-1,kk-1)] + dp[(nn-1,kk)]
if verbose: print(f"storage used: {n}*{k}={n*k}")
return dp[(n,k)]
# linear-space pseudo-tabular implementation
# Having studied our preceding tabular implementation, we can see that we don't
# need to remember all preceding values, only 2 rows of values.
# So we build a custom dictionary data structure, which computes boundary
# values, and otherwise is a cache to store only the last 2 rows of non-boundary
# values that were set. Setting a value with a higher-than-prefiously-seen n
# dumps the older row and creates storage for a new one. This structure gives
# constant time access, but requires the predictable row at a time write then
# read access pattern which we use.
# SC: O(k)
# TC: O(nk)
class DPC:
def __init__(self,k):
self.hink = [None] * (k+1)
self.lonk = [None] * (k+1)
self.hin = 2
self.lown = 1
def get(self,nk):
if k==0 or n==k: return 1
if n != self.hin and n != self.lown:
print("never set!")
return None
arr = self.hink if n == self.hin else self.lonk
return arr[k]
def set(self,nk,v):
if k==0 or n==k: return
if n > self.hin:
(self.lown, self.hin) = (self.hin,n)
(self.lonk, self.hink) = (self.hink,self.lonk)
for i in range(len(self.hink)): self.hink[i] = None
arr = self.hink if n == self.hin else self.lonk
arr[k] = v
def const_binom(n,k,verbose=False):
dpc = DPC(k)
for nn in range(2,n+1):
for kk in range(max(1,k-(n-nn)),min(nn,k+1)):
a = dpc.get((nn-1,kk-1))
b = dpc.get((nn-1,kk))
dpc.set((nn,kk), a + b)
if verbose: print(f"storage used: 2*{k}={2*k}")
return dpc.get((n,k))
def printBinoms(n):
for nn in range(0,n+1):
print(f"{nn}: ",end="")
for kk in range(0,nn+1):
v = tabular_binom(nn,kk)
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