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Created July 17, 2021 01:17
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package ai
import (
const (
SearchDepth = 20
NullMove engine.Move = 0
// These scores are selected to put
// killer moves ahead of quiet moves
// but behind captures.
FirstKillerMoveScore = 10
SecondKillerMoveScore = 9
// A struct to hold state during a search
type Searcher struct {
Board engine.Board
nodesExplored int
killerMoves [SearchDepth + 1][2]engine.Move
searchStartTime time.Time
timeForMove int64
stopSearch bool
// Search for the best move for the side to move in the given position.
// Implemented using iterative deepening.
func (s *Searcher) Search(timeLeft, increment int64) engine.Move {
bestMove, bestScore := NullMove, NegInf
var totalSearchTime int64 = 0
timeForMove := getTimeForMove(timeLeft, increment, s.Board.FullMoveCounter)
s.timeForMove = timeForMove
for depth := 1; depth <= SearchDepth; depth++ {
start := time.Now()
s.searchStartTime = start
move, score := s.rootNegamax(depth)
if s.stopSearch {
s.stopSearch = false
bestMove, bestScore = move, score
timeTaken := int64(time.Since(start) / time.Millisecond)
totalSearchTime += timeTaken
printSearchInfo(depth, timeTaken, bestScore, s.nodesExplored)
if totalSearchTime >= timeForMove {
return bestMove
// The top-level function for negamax, which returns a move and a score.
func (s *Searcher) rootNegamax(depth int) (engine.Move, int) {
s.nodesExplored = 0
moves := engine.GenPseduoLegalMoves(&s.Board)
bestMove := NullMove
alpha, beta := NegInf, PosInf
for index := range moves {
s.orderMoves(index, depth, &moves)
move := moves[index]
s.Board.DoMove(move, true)
if engine.SqIsAttacked(&s.Board, s.Board.ColorToMove^1, s.Board.KingPos[s.Board.ColorToMove^1]) {
score := -s.negamax(depth-1, -beta, -alpha)
if score == PosInf {
s.storeKillerMove(depth, move)
return move, beta
if score > alpha {
alpha = score
bestMove = move
return bestMove, alpha
// The primary negamax function, which only returns a score and no best move.
func (s *Searcher) negamax(depth, alpha, beta int) int {
if int64(time.Since(s.searchStartTime)/time.Millisecond) > s.timeForMove || s.stopSearch {
s.stopSearch = true
return 0
if depth == 0 {
return s.quiescence(alpha, beta)
moves := engine.GenPseduoLegalMoves(&s.Board)
noMoves := true
for index := range moves {
s.orderMoves(index, depth, &moves)
move := moves[index]
s.Board.DoMove(move, true)
if engine.SqIsAttacked(&s.Board, s.Board.ColorToMove^1, s.Board.KingPos[s.Board.ColorToMove^1]) {
score := -s.negamax(depth-1, -beta, -alpha)
noMoves = false
if score >= beta {
s.storeKillerMove(depth, move)
return beta
if score > alpha {
alpha = score
if noMoves {
if engine.SqIsAttacked(&s.Board, s.Board.ColorToMove, s.Board.KingPos[s.Board.ColorToMove]) {
return NegInf + (SearchDepth - depth - 1)
return 0
return alpha
// An implementation of a quiesence search algorithm.
func (s *Searcher) quiescence(alpha, beta int) int {
if int64(time.Since(s.searchStartTime)/time.Millisecond) > s.timeForMove || s.stopSearch {
s.stopSearch = true
return 0
standPat := evaluateBoard(&s.Board)
if standPat >= beta {
return beta
if alpha < standPat {
alpha = standPat
moves := engine.GenPseduoLegalMoves(&s.Board)
for index := range moves {
if engine.MoveType(moves[index]) == engine.Attack || engine.MoveType(moves[index]) == engine.AttackEP {
s.orderMoves(index, 0, &moves)
move := moves[index]
s.Board.DoMove(move, true)
if engine.SqIsAttacked(&s.Board, s.Board.ColorToMove^1, s.Board.KingPos[s.Board.ColorToMove^1]) {
score := -s.quiescence(-beta, -alpha)
if score >= beta {
return beta
if score > alpha {
alpha = score
return alpha
// Store a killer move in the killer move table
func (s *Searcher) storeKillerMove(depth int, move engine.Move) {
if !movesAreSame(move, s.killerMoves[depth][0]) {
s.killerMoves[depth][1] = s.killerMoves[depth][0]
s.killerMoves[depth][0] = move
// Find the highest scoring move in the moves list, and put it first
// in the list.
func (s *Searcher) orderMoves(index, depth int, moves *engine.Moves) {
bestIndex := index
bestScore := engine.MoveScore((*moves)[bestIndex])
for index := bestIndex; index < len(*moves); index++ {
if movesAreSame((*moves)[index], s.killerMoves[depth][0]) {
(*moves)[index] = changeScore((*moves)[index], FirstKillerMoveScore)
} else if movesAreSame((*moves)[index], s.killerMoves[depth][1]) {
(*moves)[index] = changeScore((*moves)[index], SecondKillerMoveScore)
if engine.MoveScore((*moves)[index]) > bestScore {
bestIndex = index
bestScore = engine.MoveScore((*moves)[index])
tempMove := (*moves)[index]
(*moves)[index] = (*moves)[bestIndex]
(*moves)[bestIndex] = tempMove
// Print search info for the GUI
func printSearchInfo(depth int, timeTaken int64, bestScore int, nodes int) {
var movesToMate int
if bestScore > (PosInf-SearchDepth) && bestScore <= PosInf {
// If we're getting a huge number for the score, we're mating,
// and shoud return mate in however many moves down we found it.
movesToMate = (PosInf - bestScore) / 2
} else if bestScore < (NegInf+SearchDepth) && bestScore >= NegInf {
// Otherwise if we get a huge negative number, we're getting mated
// soon and should report the score as negative.
movesToMate = (NegInf - bestScore) / 2
if movesToMate != 0 {
fmt.Printf("info depth %d score mate %d time %d nodes %d\n", depth, movesToMate, timeTaken, nodes)
} else {
fmt.Printf("info depth %d score cp %d time %d nodes %d\n", depth, bestScore, timeTaken, nodes)
// Change the score of a move, from the default
// MvvLva given during move generation.
func changeScore(move engine.Move, newScore int) engine.Move {
return (move & ^engine.ScoreMask) | uint32(newScore<<10)
// A helper function to compare if two moves are equal. The
// score is not relevant here, so it is masked out.
func movesAreSame(m1, m2 engine.Move) bool {
return (m1 & ^engine.ScoreMask) == (m2 & ^engine.ScoreMask)
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