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Created November 15, 2013 01:28
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tower of london puzzle generator for Kyle
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2013 Al Grant,
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
# some discussion here on whether or not this is a good plan for unique permutations...
def unique(iterable):
seen = set()
for x in iterable:
if x in seen:
yield x
# this generates all potential integer lists (l = [l_1,l_2,l_3,..., l_n])
# such that sum(l) = max_sum
# and l_n < h_n for all h in heights
def iter_fill_list(heights, max_sum):
for i in recurse_fill_list([],heights,max_sum):
yield i
# recursive definition of a fill_list
# what is a fill_list? see above!
def recurse_fill_list(filled_list,empty_list,total_sum):
if sum(filled_list) == total_sum:
yield filled_list + [0]*len(empty_list)
if len(empty_list) > 0:
for i in range(empty_list.pop(0)+1):
temp = filled_list + [i]
for fl in recurse_fill_list(temp,[j for j in empty_list],total_sum):
yield fl
# given a set of column heights and list of pieces
# will return every possible state, for the tower of london game
def tol_states (heights, pieces):
h = heights[:]
for i in iter_fill_list(h,len(pieces)):
for j in unique(permutations(pieces)):
t = []
for k in i:
yield t
# given a set of columns heights and the current state
# will return every possible move, for the tower of london game,
# from the current state
def tol_moves (heights, state):
for e1,s1 in enumerate(state):
if len(s1) > 0:
for e2, s2 in enumerate(state):
if e1 != e2 and len(s2) < heights[e2]:
new_state = [i for i in state]
new_state[e2] += new_state[e1][-1]
new_state[e1] = new_state[e1][:-1]
yield new_state
class tolState():
def __init__(self, heights, state):
self.heights = heights
def setState(self,state):
self.state = state
state_id = ""
for i in range(len(self.heights)):
state_id += state[i] + '_'*(self.heights[i] - len(state[i])) + "|"
self.state_id = state_id[:-1]
def setStateId(self,state_id):
self.state_id = state_id
self.state = [i.strip("_") for i in state_id.split("|")]
def getState(self):
return self.state
def getStateId(self):
return self.state_id
def sameShapeAs(self,otherState):
if self.heights != otherState.heights:
return False
for e,r in enumerate(self.state):
if len(r) != len(otherState.state[e]):
return False
return True
def sameAs(self,otherState):
if self.state_id == otherState.state_id:
return True
return False
def getAlphabet(self,otherState):
alphabet = {}
for e,char in enumerate(self.state_id):
alphabet[char] = otherState.state_id[e]
return alphabet
class tolPuzzle():
def __init__(self,state1,state2):
self.heights = state1.heights
self.state1 = state1
self.state2 = state2
def __str__(self):
return self.state1.state_id + "<>" + self.state2.state_id
def __repr__(self):
return self.state1.state_id + "<>" + self.state2.state_id
def sameAs(self,otherPuzzle):
p1s1 = self.state1.state_id
p1s2 = self.state2.state_id
p2s1 = otherPuzzle.state1.state_id
p2s2 = otherPuzzle.state2.state_id
if symmetricStringStructure(p1s1,p1s2,p2s1,p2s2) or \
return True
return False
def symmetricStringStructure(a1, a2, b1, b2):
alphabet = {}
for i in range(len(a1)):
alphabet[a1[i]] = b1[i]
test = ''.join([alphabet[i] for i in a2])
if test == b2:
return True
return False
class tolPuzzleType():
def __init__(self, heights, pieces):
self.heights = heights
self.pieces = pieces
self.state_graph = {}
self.numbered_graph = {}
print self.puzzles
def max_moves(self):
return self.distances.max()
def generateStates(self):
for e, state in enumerate(tol_states(self.heights, self.pieces)):
state_id = self.id_from_state(state)
self.state_graph[state_id] = {"state":tolState(self.heights,state), "number":e,"connections":[]}
self.numbered_graph[e] = {"state_id":state_id,"state":tolState(self.heights,state), "connections":[]}
for move in tol_moves(self.heights, state):
m_id = self.id_from_state(move)
def id_from_state(self,state):
state_id = ""
for i in range(len(self.heights)):
state_id += state[i] + '_'*(self.heights[i] - len(state[i])) + "|"
return state_id[:-1]
def state_from_id(self,id):
state = [i.strip("_") for i in id.split("|")]
return state
def determineDistances(self):
# floyd warshall's algorithm to find all shortest paths:
# can't be further apart than going through each node...
self.distances = np.zeros([len(self.numbered_graph), len(self.numbered_graph)])
# all paths to self are 0
for i in range(len(self.numbered_graph)):
self.distances[i][i] = 0
# all paths to neighbour are 1
for u in range(len(self.numbered_graph)):
for v_state in self.numbered_graph[u]["connections"]:
v = self.state_graph[v_state]["number"]
self.distances[u][v] = 1
# check wikipedia for why this works...
for k in range(len(self.numbered_graph)):
for i in range(len(self.numbered_graph)):
for j in range(len(self.numbered_graph)):
if self.distances[i][k] + self.distances[k][j] < self.distances[i][j]:
self.distances[i][j] = self.distances[i][k] + self.distances[k][j]
self.distances = np.vectorize(lambda x,max: x if x != max else -1)(self.distances, len(self.numbered_graph))
def generatePuzzles(self):
self.puzzles = {}
for i in range(len(self.distances)):
for j in range(i):
dis = self.distances[i][j]
if dis > 1:
if not (dis in self.puzzles):
self.puzzles[dis] = []
newPuzz = tolPuzzle(self.numbered_graph[i]["state"],self.numbered_graph[j]["state"])
new = True
for puzz in self.puzzles[dis]:
if puzz.sameAs(newPuzz):
new = False
if new:
tol = tolPuzzleType([2,2,1],"abc")
#print tol.max_moves()
# s1 = tolState([3,2,2],['ab','c',''])
# s2 = tolState([3,2,2],['b','ac',''])
# s3 = tolState([3,2,2],['ba','c',''])
# s4 = tolState([3,2,2],['b','ac',''])
# p1 = tolPuzzle(s1,s2)
# p2 = tolPuzzle(s3,s4)
# print p1.sameAs(p2)
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