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Created January 25, 2011 15:06
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Relationship graphs from iPhoto '11 face detections
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
# sudo gem install ruby-graphviz
# sudo port install graphviz
require 'graphviz'
# NB: The following line deals with the case where your iPhoto library is not in the usual place.
# If you have more than one iPhoto libraries, please set this manually.
IPHOTO_LIBRARY = `mdfind "kMDItemKind == 'iPhoto Library' && kMDItemContentTypeTree =="`.strip
LIBRARY = File.join(IPHOTO_LIBRARY, "Database", "Library.apdb")
FACES = File.join(IPHOTO_LIBRARY, "Database", "Faces.db")
def select(db,sql)
res = `sqlite3 '#{db}' '#{sql}'`
# images = Hash[select(LIBRARY,"select uuid,name from RKMaster;")]
sql = "select df.masterUuid, from RKFaceName as fn left join RKDetectedFace as df on fn.faceKey = df.faceKey where df.ignore = 0;"
faces = select(FACES,sql)
graph ={|h,k|h[k] = []}
faces.each{|k,v| graph[k] << v}
counts =
graph = graph.reject{|k,v| v.length == 1}
graph.each do |k,v|
v.combination(2).each {|pair| counts[pair] += 1}
g = GraphViz::new( "structs", "type" => "graph" )
def map_color(count,min,max)
v = (count.to_f - min.to_f) / (max.to_f - min.to_f)
v = v ** (0.5)
v = (v * 255).round
r = v.to_s(16).rjust(2,"0")
b = (255-v).to_s(16).rjust(2,"0")
g = "00"
max_count = counts.values.max
min_count = counts.values.min
counts.each do |pair, count|
color = map_color(count,min_count,max_count)
e = g.add_edge(pair[0],pair[1], :color => color)
puts g.output( :none => String )
g.output( :png => "iphoto_faces_graph.png" )
`open iphoto_faces_graph.png`
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