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Created January 30, 2016 19:36
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Simple Canvas Example
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Reflex.Dom
import GHCJS.DOM.CanvasRenderingContext2D (putImageData, setFillStyle, fillRect)
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLCanvasElement (getContext)
import GHCJS.DOM.ImageData (newImageData')
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types (CanvasStyle(..), CanvasRenderingContext2D(..), toJSString, castToHTMLCanvasElement)
import GHCJS.Marshal (toJSVal)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget putImageTest
putImageTest :: MonadWidget t m => m ()
putImageTest = do
-- Set up a canvas
-- Canvas width and height
let w = 300
h = 150
-- Build an empty canvas element
(e, _) <- el' "canvas" $ return ()
-- Convert the canvas element from an `El` to an `HTMLCanvasElement`
let canvasElement = castToHTMLCanvasElement (_el_element e)
-- Get the 2D rendering context and convert it to the right type
c <- fmap CanvasRenderingContext2D $ liftIO $ getContext canvasElement "2d"
-- Set the fill style to red so that white images are visible when added
liftIO $ setFillStyle c =<< (fmap (Just . CanvasStyle) $ toJSVal $ toJSString "red")
fillRect c 0 0 w h
-- Below, we construct a Dynamic containing the data we want to render
-- tickLossy is, more or less, a clock event that fires on the specified interval
t <- tickLossy 0.05 =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
-- Every time our tickLossy event fires, we will calculate a new x and y position
-- for our image. The `TickInfo` tickLossy produces is not used.
let newImagePosition _ (x, y) =
let newX = if x + 5 > w then w - x else x + 5
newY = if y + 5 > h then h - y else y + 5
in (newX, newY)
-- Create a Dynamic containing the data we need to build our image
-- For simplicity, we are only manipulating the image's position, not its
-- contents
imageDataDyn <- foldDyn newImagePosition (0, 0) t
-- `addImage` builds and places an image into the canvas
let addImage (x, y) = do
-- Build an image with no contents (it should just be a white
-- rectangle on our red backgound)
i <- newImageData' 10 10
-- Place the image
liftIO $ putImageData c (Just i) x y
-- Every time `imageDataDyn` is updated, add a new image to the canvas
performEvent_ $ fmap addImage (updated imageDataDyn)
return ()
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