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Created April 21, 2022 02:16
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class Solution {
public String alienOrder(String[] words) {
//For catching Errors
if(words.length==0) return "";
//The dependencyMap and countMap data structures
Map<Character, Set<Character>> dependencyMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Character, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<>();
//a boolean that determines whether we can build a graph or not
boolean success = buildGraph(words, dependencyMap, countMap);
if(!success) return "";
//running BFS and returning the result string
return bfs(dependencyMap, countMap);
//running BFS on dependency and count map
String bfs(Map<Character, Set<Character>> dependencyMap,
Map<Character, Integer> countMap) {
Queue<Character> q=new LinkedList<>();
//Looping over countMap. If the number of dependencies for
//a letter is 0, add it to the queue.
for(Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry:countMap.entrySet()) {
if(entry.getValue()==0) {
//Result string
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
//Poping out the letter out of the queue, removing it from
//countMap and adding it to the string result
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
char c=q.poll();
if(!dependencyMap.containsKey(c)) continue;
//Finds the letter's dependent characters and decreases
//their number of dependencies by one.
//If the character's dependencies == 0, add it to the queue.
for(char next:dependencyMap.get(c)) {
countMap.put(next, countMap.get(next)-1);
if(countMap.get(next)==0) q.add(next);
//By the end of the while loop, the countMap must be empty.
//Otherwise, there's a loop, and we have no answers
if(countMap.size()!=0) return "";
return result.toString();
//A function that checks whether we can build a graph with given
//inputs and fills in dependencyMap and countMap with proper values.
boolean buildGraph(String[] words, Map<Character, Set<Character>>
dependencyMap, Map<Character, Integer> countMap) {
//Initiating the countMap
for(String word:words){
for(char c:word.toCharArray()) {
countMap.putIfAbsent(c, 0);
for(int i=1;i < words.length; i++) {
//Comparing every words with its previous word to find
//the order of the letters. If they are equal, skip.
//If the next word starts with the previous word,
//there is no answer.
if(words[i].equals(words[i-1])) continue;
if(words[i-1].startsWith(words[i])) return false;
for(int j=0;j < Math.min(words[i].length(),
words[i-1].length());j++) {
char firstChar=words[i-1].charAt(j);
char secondChar=words[i].charAt(j);
if(firstChar==secondChar) continue;
//Adding the letter and its dependency to dependencyMap
//and countMap.
dependencyMap.putIfAbsent(firstChar, new HashSet<>());
if(dependencyMap.get(firstChar).add(secondChar)) {
countMap.put(secondChar, countMap.get(secondChar)+1);
return true;
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