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Last active October 12, 2021 12:59
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ebay to woo price sync
//Run the existing product sync first to make sure that the eBay listings are synced on WooCommerce. Then run this code to sync the price of products from eBay to Woo.
add_action('ced_ebay_sync_price_to_woo_action', array($this, 'ced_ebay_sync_price_to_woo_action_cb'));
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_ced_ebay_sync_price_from_ebay_to_woo', array($this, 'ced_ebay_sync_price_from_ebay_to_woo'));
public function ced_ebay_sync_price_from_ebay_to_woo(){
$logger = wc_get_logger();
$context = array( 'source' => 'ced_ebay_sync_price_from_ebay_to_woo' );
$fetchCurrentAction = current_action();
if ( strpos( $fetchCurrentAction, 'wp_ajax_nopriv_' ) !== false ) {
$user_id = isset( $_GET['user_id'] ) ? wc_clean( $_GET['user_id'] ) : false;
$shop_data = ced_ebay_get_shop_data( $user_id );
if ( ! empty( $shop_data ) ) {
$siteID = $shop_data['siteID'];
$token = $shop_data['token']['eBayAuthToken'];
$getLocation = $shop_data['Location'];
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'product',
'numberposts' => '-1',
'fields' => 'ids',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_ced_ebay_listing_id_'.$user_id,
'compare' => 'EXISTS',
$store_products = get_posts($args);
foreach($store_products as $key => $existing_product_id){
$existing_listing_id = get_post_meta($existing_product_id, '_ced_ebay_listing_id_' . $user_id, true);
as_enqueue_async_action( 'ced_ebay_sync_price_to_woo_action', array('data'=>array('existing_listing_id'=>$existing_listing_id, 'user_id'=>$user_id, 'product_id' => $existing_product_id)), 'ced_ebay_to_woo_sync' );
public function ced_ebay_sync_price_to_woo_action_cb($product_data){
$logger = wc_get_logger();
$context = array('source' => 'ced_ebay_sync_price_to_woo_action_cb');
$user_id = $product_data['user_id'];
$existing_listing_id = $product_data['existing_listing_id'];
$existing_product_id = $product_data['product_id'];
$shop_data = ced_ebay_get_shop_data( $user_id );
if ( ! empty( $shop_data ) ) {
$siteID = $shop_data['siteID'];
$token = $shop_data['token']['eBayAuthToken'];
require_once CED_EBAY_DIRPATH . 'admin/ebay/lib/ebayUpload.php';
$get_item_xml = '
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<eBayAuthToken>' . $token . '</eBayAuthToken>
<ItemID>' . $existing_listing_id . '</ItemID>
$ebayUploadInstance = EbayUpload::get_instance( $siteID, $token );
$itemDetails = $ebayUploadInstance->get_item_details( $get_item_xml );
if ( 'Success' == $itemDetails['Ack'] || 'Warning' == $itemDetails['Ack'] ) {
if(isset($itemDetails['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice']) && $itemDetails['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice'] > 0){
$logger->info(wc_print_r('Syncing Price ('.$itemDetails['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice'].') from eBay Listing '.$existing_listing_id.' to Woo Product '.$existing_product_id, true), $context);
//change this logic.
update_post_meta($existing_product_id, '_price_ebay', $itemDetails['Item']['SellingStatus']['CurrentPrice']);
} else {
$logger->info('Failed to get listing details from API', $context);
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