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Last active December 23, 2023 01:44
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An annotated example of how to use coroutines within coroutines
#include <atomic>
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
The idea of this snippet is as such:
> coro1 does some stuff then co_await coro2
> coro2 does some more stuff and co_await coro3
> coro3 does some other stuff and suspends,
> submitting its handle via an awaitable to another thread
> that other thread does some stuff then resumes coro3
> coro3 does some stuff and then suspends again, it does this
> process again and again 5 times
> coro3 then does some final work and co_return
> coro2 does same as above
> coro1 does some as above
This is a sample execution:
> got to coro1 (thread id: 140494083028800)
> got to coro2 (thread id: 140494083028800)
> got to coro3 (thread id: 140494083028800)
> suspending coro3
> resuming coro3
> suspending coro3
> resuming coro3
> suspending coro3
> resuming coro3
> suspending coro3
> resuming coro3
> suspending coro3
> resuming coro3
> at end of coro3 (thread id: 140494076114496)
> at end of coro2 (thread id: 140494076114496)
> at end of coro1 (thread id: 140494076114496)
Note how since we resumed coro3 on another thread, the
rest of the execution happens on that other thread.
bool coro1_finished = false;
std::atomic<bool> coro3_suspended{};
std::atomic<std::coroutine_handle<>> coro3_handle{};
std::atomic<bool> coro3_repeating_procedure{};
void print_message_with_tid(const std::string &msg) {
std::cout << msg << " (thread id: " << std::this_thread::get_id() << ")\n";
struct Task {
struct promise_type;
using Handle = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
struct promise_type {
struct {
std::exception_ptr exception_ptr{};
// awaiter_handles is the important bit
// this stores all the handles of coroutines that have called co_await
// on this coroutine
// then in final_suspend, those coroutines are resumed
// this allows us to co_await on the coroutine and resume
// when it finishes execution
std::vector<std::coroutine_handle<>> awaiter_handles{};
} state;
Task get_return_object() { return Task{Handle::from_promise(*this)}; }
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept {
for (auto &h : state.awaiter_handles) {
return {};
void return_void() {}
void unhandled_exception() {
state.exception_ptr = std::current_exception();
Handle handle{};
Task(Handle h) : handle(h) {}
void resume() {
auto &state = handle.promise().state;
if (state.exception_ptr) {
bool is_done() { return handle.done(); }
explicit operator bool() { return is_done(); }
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; };
void await_suspend(typename Task::Handle other_handle) {
// verified that the handle here and the stored handle are indeed different
// std::cout << this->handle.address() << " ## " << other_handle.address()
// << "\n"; the other_handle is the handle of the coroutine calling await on
// this coroutine (the coroutine corresponding to this->handle)
auto &state = this->handle.promise().state;
auto &awaiter_handles = state.awaiter_handles;
void await_resume() {}
struct SetAtomicAwaitableForCoro3 {
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
void await_suspend(typename Task::Handle h) {; }
void await_resume() {}
Task coro3() {
print_message_with_tid("got to coro3");
int num_reps = 5;
auto awaitable = SetAtomicAwaitableForCoro3{};
coro3_repeating_procedure = true; // begun the procedure
// repeat suspending and resuming num_reps times
for (int i = 0; i < num_reps; i++) {
coro3_suspended = true;
std::cout << "suspending coro3\n";
co_await awaitable;
coro3_repeating_procedure = false; // have finished the procedure
print_message_with_tid("at end of coro3");
Task coro2() {
print_message_with_tid("got to coro2");
auto task3 = coro3();
co_await task3;
print_message_with_tid("at end of coro2");
Task coro1() {
print_message_with_tid("got to coro1");
auto task2 = coro2();
co_await task2;
print_message_with_tid("at end of coro1");
coro1_finished = true;
void other_thread() {
while (true) {
// busy wait until we have both a handle that represents the coroutine
// and also that the coroutine is suspended
std::coroutine_handle<> local_handle{};
while (!(local_handle = coro3_handle.load()) || !coro3_suspended) {
// ensures to only resume only if the coroutine is actually still suspended
if (coro3_suspended) {
coro3_suspended = false;
std::cout << "resuming coro3\n";
// if we're no longer doing the repeating procedure, then we are done
if (!coro3_repeating_procedure) {
int main() {
auto task1 = coro1();
// after coro3 suspends for the first time, this thread
// continues execution and reaches here
auto t = std::thread(other_thread);
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